
I'm 18, not sexually active and I haven't have my period since october (5-6months ago).

Mum's setting up an appointment beside a gynecologist for me...does anyone know what exactly will happen etc... I Was reading up on amenorrhea, and it mentioned hormonal test and all that.

could this head to infertility? or do the treatments work 100%

i'm trying hard not to stress myself out. can anyone afford me any success stories of their own?

sorry, get many questions

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Your doctor will probably nick a blood test to be really certain that you are not pregnant, and to do some hormone even checking. He may also suggest that you get an ultrasound of your pelvic nouns to check for cysts or endometriosis, which could be the cause of your amenorrhea. He will probably also ask you nearly your lifestyle, things like your drinking habits, exercise traditions and whether you've been lower than a lot of stress or have a significant weight loss or gain just this minute.

It's really hard for me to voice if your condition could lead to infertility; it really depends on what is the explanation of your lack of menstruation. Things resembling cysts or endometriosis could cause infertility if they are severe plenty, but it's unlikely. Most likely he will put you on a low-dose birth control and it will take vigilance of everything, and you'll be just fine.

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There are many reason for this...the good report is that you have have periods back. This then puts the diagnosis contained by a different court. The first thing they will do is a pregnancy experiment as this is the most common basis for this problem...even if you never had sex until that time they will still check. Then after a detailed history they will examine your external and internal pelvic structures for problems and also get a quantity of hormone tests. Then they will own you come back when the results are stern. Don't sweat it. It's not that bad of a department visit.

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Great that you can consult to your Mom! Also great that you can see a specialist as he/she will know what tests might be called for to find the source of the problem. Sometimes stress or anorexia can also cause period to stop. No sense worrying about infertility at this point. Your time may start before you even seize to the appt. Our bodies are marvelous and can heal themselves lots of times. Take charge by ingestion well, getting plenty sleep/rest, fun and exercise. I do know of one teen who did need hormone treatment and she's in a minute doing well. Focus on human being healthy and resourcefully. prayer is good too.

Can you be split/ torn surrounded by the vaginal area by intercourse?

Its great that you can speech to your mum.He will ask a lot of question and examine you.He will probably do a blood test.Maybe some other test too.Whatever donot be scared.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease? rephrase?

First of adjectives don't stress til there is something to stress roughly.

Amenorrhea is when your period is elsewhere BUT you are 18 years old. Your hormones will still be varying and may intensely well enjoy stopped your periods and they may a moment ago come back when they are equipped!

A gynecologist will not do anything without your consent so if you grain uncomfortable you can a short time ago say you dont want it done.

They will more than probable do a pap smear... if you havent had one earlier all they do is unequivocal your vagina (using something that looks like Barbeque tongs) this is of late so they can see where to step and swab with a long cotton bud. It is painless but rather uncomfortable showing your privates resembling that.

They can also test your hormones through a simple blood assessment. They can focus on progesterone/testosterone levels and how live your thyroid gland is.

I hope that there is zilch seriously wrong and all go well :)

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