How do i talk to my mom just about?

Birth control?
Im 15 and sexually active,but im really terrified my mom will flip out at me. Im really scared.
but psyche rather be as undamaging as i can.
and I've had a few scare.
What do i do?
She doesn't know I'm sexually active.
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You are immature to be having sex. That is a certainty not in quiz. But since you are having it, next I applaud you for at least trying to be undisruptive about it. Make an appointment near your doctor, and discuss it with him or her. You may be capable of get birth control on your own. You should other use a condom anyway to protect against diseases and in case you cause a mistake and forget to take a pill. The only road to be sure not to get pregnant or find a disease is to abstain. You should discuss it with your mom too, and I know it will be strong. Trust me, it will be harder for her to hear, but make sure that you are protecting yourself no concern what.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaassssssse Help?

holy crap you are too young to be have sex

Help? see details..?

Just be Honest say that youve be sexually active.! though Im 16 and sexually moving. I still gotta tell my mom. though Just be honest and speak about her you wanna be safe than sorry. I dont assume she wants to be a grandmama .


You have need of to tell your mom and in that's no way i can convey you how to do it. and the reason why your sensation scared is because you no you did wrong. a moment ago tell your mom you obligation to talk and convey her then. she might acquire mad but you will perceive better.

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The best piece to do would be to tell her when you are all set. When I told my mom, I started off by adage that there be something important that I needed to speak to her about and asked that she be reading and not say anything until I be finished. I hope everything works out ok. Oh yes...please be sure to use protection.

Veins in legs!??

Talk to your doctor.


Dear "How do I talk to my mom almost birth control?"
First of all, know that you are not alone. Many young females are afraid to have frank discussions give or take a few sex and birth control with their mothers. You could originate by asking your mother at what age did she become sexually active? Or you could find a worthy women's clinic or health service agency and move about there. There are classes that instruct young-looking women on contraceptives (birth control options) These agencies usually have plenty of free condoms ("rubbers") for distribution. And they even show you how to put them on your mannish partner. Remember, no birth control device, pill or other option is 100% reliable.
If you get the impression that you cannot tell your mother that you are sexually busy you can still ask her about sex and birth control option, or ask her if she would take you to the doctor for a womanly examination and speak next to the doctor or your school nurse. Whatever choice you decide, I still recommend using condoms. THE REASON IS: HIV the retrovirus that cause AIDS is the NUMBER ONE KILLER OF BLACK WOMEN IN THE USA and Probably the whole world. In Washington, DC estimates are that one in ten black women are infected beside HIV. USE CONDOMS. If your partner comes up with an excuse approaching "It doesn't feel as perfect for me," or "I don't want to use one." Get a female condom and show it to him and describe him that you will use that. When they see the female condom they usually will opt for using a mannish condom. Don't take suggestion from young women your age, desire good suggestion from an older developed woman or professional. They'll tell you the straight up truth and that will relieve your anxieties going on for sex, unwanted pregnancies and HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Good Luck and protect yourself, no one else is going to do it for you. It's up to you. Protection, protection, protection. Enjoy.

A give somebody the third degree about period..?

Ask her if fixing a problem is better than preventing one. Obviously she will go near prevention. There is your lead contained by. Make sure there is a table or couch between you and no throw-able objects surrounded by her reach when you do explain to her.

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A baby next to a loaded diaper is the least of your concerns. BC pills don't protect against STDs. You can move about to the health dept if you really want BC pills, but must still use a condom to protect against STDs. In some states, they'll prescribe them for minors. I mull over you should talk to your mother, she would to some extent help protect you against pregnancy and STDs than enjoy you suffer from one of them.

HELP! I put in a tampon and I can't bring back it out!? did it...ask yourself why? and try not to do it again!
You re a like a concrete teen not one that wants to be a woman...within is time!
This part of life span is for "after marriage"...when you'll find the man you want to be with...what are you going to administer him...girls gave the boys they married their!?
Please try to understand!
It's not glib, I know, with adjectives those movies and bad examples around can stop in a minute and try to have a REAL LIFE not one full up with what if? what if? Did you draw from it? Dear, stop being sexually stirring...pray and God will help you!

Look around, do you see some examples that are worth to follow?
Try to conduct yourself like a unadulterated human being not similar to a person that imitate those around! You're so precious, don't waste these wonderful years with_ _ _ in that will be time for this!

Sorry if I said things that could hurt, pray before recounting your mother...I will not like to be her! Please forgive me!
Take fundamentally good aid of what you're doing!

Read this if you want!

May God help you when you'll make clear to your Mum!
Please try to act usual from now on (normal how normal is not how teens reflect is normal, their "normal"!

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"your too young-looking to have sex" BLAH BLAH BLAH.

you are have sex, so lets treaty with the indisputable issue.

make your man wear a condom. time. he shouldnt get any other pleasure at 15, he newly doesnt deserve it yet. if you cant convey your mom, you should consider WHY you cant tell your mom. if its because you surface what you are doing is wrong, maybe it is. its amazing what a few years can do to a human being's judgement.

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Telling your Mom would be the best, but you can go to a Public Health Clinic and go and get all the oblige you need in attendance also. You can find one online or in the Yellow Pages. Please do this as soon as possible. There are so many things that can begin to you (disease-wise and others) that can ruin your future.

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Well if you are sexually influential please talk to your Mom. She may flip out, but how will she act in response if you have to come tp her next to the news that you are pregnant---or that you hold cotracted A STD. I am sure that your Mom loves you--she may be angry with you--but your honesty will clear off contained by the long run

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Sex is a grown up pursuit. If you feel that it is right for you to enjoy sex then you inevitability to be grown up enough to gossip to your mother and accept her antipathy. Most mothers do not flip out if their daughters come to them and ask for protection. They do however, flip out when their daughters come to them pregnant or with STD's. I would fairly find out my daughter is having protected sex and requirements to be safe than find out she is person careless and unsafe. That said, apt luck with your mom.

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Don't tell her however just step get on Birth control!why she don't know want hurt her

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You are to young for sex nearby is alot that can happen even if you win on the pill. You can still get pregant and STD's. Talk to your mom if your going to be sexually busy she should know and last resort walk to planned parenthood so you can receive protected.

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If you are old ample to be doing an adult achievement like have sex, then you are also feeble enough to rob on all the other full-size responsiblities!! You can't pick and choose in vivacity, wish it worked taht course. So I'd say suck it up be and conduct yourself like an mature and tell your mother that you are have sex. Sex=Adult Hood=Responsibilities=Life!

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