My girlfriend smear test result worried me!?

My girlfriend just go for a pap smear test and the result is charitable of worry me and her. Below is the report from doctor:

Superficial and intermediate cell seen.
Endocervical and metaplastic cell present.
Large numbers of polymorphs are present.
Bacterial flora consisting mainly of bacilli.
No monilia or trichomonas see.

Serious inflammation.
Smear covered by abundant polymorphs.
No evidence of malignancy and dysplasia.
Suggest repeat smear surrounded by 6 months time.

and the medicines given is...
1) Amoxicillin & clavulanate potasium
2) Co-amoxiclav
3) Metronidavole

My question:
-Its this a serious case?
-What is the posible factor causing this?
-How to prevent and cure it?
-My gf quality no pain or itchy anyway... why?
-There are heaps scientifiction names through out the report, what that manner?
-Can she get prenant?
-Should me stop making luv?
...purely tell me everything bcos i love her so much!


An upset boyfriend

My sis stutters.. wat can i do to help her?

She have cevicitis which is an inflammation of cervix .Ist not nesessary to have symptoms .This is not something serious but antibiotic urgently are needed to prevent the spread of infection .You should enjoy posted it in healthboards forum .in that is no evidence of cancer .Its only an infection .She can get hold of pregnant but she should try to get pregnant after the infection completely cures .Not presently .U should avoid intercourse until the infection cures .Does she have a mirena or An iucd (coil )in place ?this can front to infection .there are various causes of infection .Bacteria can enter through vagina .Douching can also motive infections .I am assuming this is pap smear and not a High vaginal swab it ?

How do you know what size of tampons to get?

Thanks for posting her personal information for adjectives to see. Ask the doctor.

When should I get my spell?

These are questions with the sole purpose a doctor should answer.


Ok.. Deep breaths now! First of adjectives, with no definitive cancer or std diagnosis, breath a bit easier! Most women will hold at least one deviant pap result in their lifetime, it's really not that exceptional! If your girl's doctor wants to skulk before doing a repeat pap, and have not ordered other, immediate test, then he or she feel that there is not a serious issue. The association below will offer you some loyal info! Good Luck!

I am taking chantix,would wearing the patch the first few days help?

Unless at hand's a doctor on here your not gonna get the responses you want..

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Have her speak next to the doctor, he/she is the only one who can answer these question.

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she probably has a bacterial infection that can be taken support of with a special cream. Yes, she can carry pregnant. If the problem was so massively serious, I would think you would own had comments from her doctor to the reality. Since you are so good at developing question, go to a medical site and tolerate your fingers do the walking. It almost sounds like you enjoy a research project going and you want other people to do your work for you.
I enjoy found a site for you to help answer your lots questions. Good Luck!

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