Is it bad for a 16 yr hoary to not have started her length?

Girls Only!! Is it weird that I own not started yet? I am 16 years old

Bizarre strain!! Any ideas?

Nope. Actually I infer your really lucky to be honest.
It sure beats have your period contained by the 4th grade =\
Just dispense it time and let mother temper to its coarse.

Good luck =)

Fat? help pls?

Go see a doctor

Am I going to bring back any taller?

yes. it kinda is. i got mine when i be 12

Is it true if u do it with?

yeah. most ethnic group should have started by 16. Go to the doctor and she'll detail you wants wrong, or if in attendance is anything to worry more or less.

For girls help individual please..private?

puberty starts usually around 12. that doesnt mean you're not usual, you're just a slow bloomer

Need a big butt now!!?

pry not

Which doctor should i see?

its VERY ODD..ego go see your doctor roughly that...Gl hun

Any 23 year old "common women had heart problems? Why and what be they like?

yes, if your 16 and you dont enjoy yours yet afterwards you should see a doctor

Easiest way to own an orgasim?

thats okay i guess. I always thought they where on earth supposed to start at the most 14. mines started at 11.

Can i get pregnant while on the pill and my interval?

yes it's strange you should she a gynecologist

What causes missed period?

Not necessarily. But if you are worried about it. Get your mom to net you an appointment with gynecologist.

What discharge is this?

she still hads till she is 18

How can i return with nice boobs?

No! I know girls who have started contained by their twenties!! I would,however, go see a doctor to generate sure everything is OK. Good luck girlie!!

Problem with Family doctor!!Black mail?

no my mom and sister both didnt start untill they were 16!!
savour it well u can and dont worrie more or less it!!

good luck!!

Am i a short time ago paranoid?

Talk to your mom or your grandma and see when they started.
If other parts of your body are starting to 'mature' (pubic spine, breasts..etc) but you havent had your time,
go see a doctor.

Good luck!

How pornstars do not capture pregnant?

No, its not bad, because what i be learned at academy, that when you 18 and you don't have your spell, the there must be some problems and you should be in motion to the doctor. Just wait until your 18 and you'll probably procure it, don't worry <3

Some penis are small or big so what sympathetic of condom should you use for different sizes?

No, because the acceptable extent to start is between 9 and 18 years old. You're only just a late bloomer.

If you still haven't started by the time you are 18, see a Gyn because consequently something is wrong.

Any suggestion as to what may be wrong with me?

It's not bleak, but sometime in the subsequent year, make an appointment beside a gynecologist to check your hormone levels.

I disagree next to the posters who say to skulk until 18.

"Nature" can take its course within many doomed to failure ways as well as apt. It is imperative to learn if this belatedly start may be due to a medical condition necessitating treatment, ie, a tumor or cyst within certain glands.

Just curious, I'm not in fact going to do it, but does it hurt the first time a girl has sex?

nope your fine but mayb by your 17 hold the doc give you some pills my mom didnt start tell she be 18 so there you move about also dont go next to the whole you'll start when your mom did cuz she be 18 i was 13 Good Luck

I've be using yasmin for 1 month now?

no not really...some associates start late... I started at 9 and my sister didn't start until she be like it adjectives depends on the person... but if you are worried, ask your doctor...

Burns when i pee?

No, it's not unusual. I started mine on my 16th Birthday. Think of it this way, the latter you start your period contained by life, the better. They influence that getting your period impulsive puts you at a higher risk for breast cancer.

Although I significantly doubt (and hope) that this isn't the case (even though I know that some 16 year olds are) if you are sexually stirring, you really need to run and see a doctor to make sure that the purpose you haven't started your period isn't because of that. (If you are have sex, you are way too childlike, just so you know).

I would enunciate if you don't get it by the time you turn 18, shift see a doc. My mom didn't get hers until she be 17.

Can you switch your time while on birth control?

If you are really thin (under 100 pounds) you won't return with your period. It's pretty special so you should get checked out by a doctor... in recent times in covering

Whats the difference?

It just matter are you thin? My mother get hers when she was almost 17 and she is still amazingly heathly to the day. But if it is really bugging you budge see a doctor.

Class Trip+Pool+Period= ?

not a girl, but its not uncommon, for girls elder than you not to have started.

this give somebody the third degree has be asked before, furrow for the questions, and check out the answers


Medroxyprogesterone? mom started at at13...but some go and get it late (lucky) Girls are getting their period earlier because they gain substance perchance you're skinny..But if you're 18 then you should progress to the doctor


I didn't start till I was 18 years weak and the doctor told me I was a moment ago a late bloomer.I would be evaluated by a gynecologist though basically to make sure nothings wrong. Good Luck!

Are these side effects of birth control pills?

It's unusual at lowest possible; of course, I started at nine and that be unusual too. It is time you had a routine gynocological exam so that would be a pious issue to discuss with the doctor.

What's a upright way to lose belly rotund?

I wouldnt say its desperate because my mom did not have heres untill she be 17.But i dont know i had mine when i be 9 so...if your worried go see a doctor hun.Best wishes to ya

I am 9 years elderly and all of my friends are on near period. and i'm not.. sustain!!?

it is, but not to worry too much stir to the doctor and ask him or ask your mum she surely knows what you own to do.. it's is embarrassing I KNOW but you own to is normal! she'll shift with you if you want to..
I don't consider you have a problem be festive until you start it.. then only control your periods and if in that's any irregularity, talk to your mother or doctor!

Has anyone have their merinia IUD removed, I have one because?

No it's not abnormal or strange for this to occur at adjectives. In time you will have your interval &then like most women at some point option that you didn't. (: If it has really gotten you worried later call your clan doctor & talk near them at your next appointment.
I have a female doctor so it made it easier for me to bargain to her. If your family doctor is a masculine & would rather yak to a female physician consequently maybe you or a inherited member can capture a good referral for a physician who is a woman.

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