I no this is a chance cross-examine..but please relieve!!?

okay, so i know about discharge and what not but that isn't wat's be showing up on my underwear. its not like gooey, its more a moment ago watering and doesnt have a color. "down there" have been smelling unpromising the past week (& i other take showers). i get my first period ultimate month & im 14. i really wanna know whats going on...help please!
gratefulness a bunch! :]

Answers:    If it's watery and doesn't smell that great, at hand is no problem. Basically, you have to remember that we are humans, but still animals. The reality that it's colorless means that you don't enjoy an infection. Now you said that you got your first spell last month, right? So you're expecting another soon...
Well when you're ovulating (about 2 weeks previously your period, when you're most fertile) your body releases pheramones-chemicals that attract the differing sex. Of course, we aren't as keen to these smells as animals, so they don't do much. Well, contained by the week or so before your extent, you are not very fertile at adjectives. So your discharge doesn't contain those chemicals, but instead different ones that do the opposite.
I know it sounds gross, but collectively, others can't smell it even though you can.
During this time, you can wear a panty shield (which some people also do merely in preperation for their length, in suitcase it comes early) to absorb the smell. You can also try this trick-just craft a stripe with your deoderant on the underside of your underwear. It blocks any unpleasant smell. Trust me, it works! :D
You obligation to go see a doctor. Anytime there's a discouraging smell coming from the vaginal area, you call for to get checked out. It's probably only a minor bacterial infection (all women get these, it doesn't miserable that you're dirty or anything else.)
They'll be able to speak about you what it is and get you the proper treatment. its cervical mucus. Its typical, it will change during different stages of your cycle. Dont verbs about it. All the women i've ever specified have have it and its ok. Get some Vagisil powder to sprinkle in your panties or on a pantyliner to cover the smell, merely keep yourself verbs and you should be fine.
yeast infection!! If its clear it may not be nothing to verbs about but I still run in for a checkup and bring it up!
have a chat to your mother about this

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