Why can't anything fit in my vagina?

for some reason a tampon won't even fit within me. i've never had sex but whenever i try a tampon even the lites the smallest ones, it comes to a point where on earth it just won't dance in no concern how hard i push it within. it kind of stings but feel more as if something is blocking it. please help me!

What is this is something i should be worried give or take a few?

You might be nervous? I remember trying to stick in my first tampoon and I be in the bathroom for mins because I be kind of panicky. If you're nervous, your vagina's muscle will tighten up, making it harder for things to step inside.

Just relax and get into a comfortable position: any sitting down on the toilet or one leg elevated and try again.

And when it goes within, make sure it's contained by all the channel, because if its not, you'll feel sooo self-conscious :\ ... and then you'll enjoy to pull it out and capture a new one and try again.

I hope that help

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