Women please answer!?

Ladies, ok it is the week before I am to start my time of year and I always grasp bloated (I mean my clothes catch a little tighter and I quality heavy). What have you done to relieve the bloating? Does midol really relieve it or is here some kind of tea or anything else that will work?

Should you be concerned if your cycle changed from every 28 days to every 26 days?

Exercise and drinking healthy other work for me... if exercise isn't an option, which I know it can be sometimes, I recommend drinking dampen and eating foods that don't end in gas... like veggies sometimes will. If you love your veggies, boil them, it works every time. Good luck!

I have unprotected sex 3 days before my time of year is to start and my guy friend came within me and didn't pull out.

The best channel to prevent bloating is to stay hydrated and keep away from big sodium foods. Dehydration and sodium high foods raison d`??tre water retention and hose retention is the cause of bloating.

I'm a mother of 2, the problem is while have sex with my husband this unpleasant smell come out why?

Try to embezzle Midol, with tea. But lift while its still kind of hot, so that it will work better. Any charitable will work, after you take it freshly lay down. It might help.

No spell since 14 feb, whats wrong with her?

yes midol does work idk what i would do near out it

I'm almost 35, could this be the first signs of Menopause?

Midol does work but also staying hydrated and keeping yourself moving helps out greatly too.

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