When to go to a gynocologist?

i am only 14 and hold never been sexually involved but my mom insists i go to one. What should i do?

are in attendance any home remedies for lack of saliva?

If you are not sexual alive or having any problems here is really no reason for you to turn at such an early age. The modern recommendations for a pap is age 21 or when you become sexual moving. The link below will verify this. Just chat this over with your mother and ask her what her reasoning is for wanting you to be in motion.

Bleeding during intercourse?

go to a gynecologist! that's right!


That's a tough situation to be in. First, I think you have need of to go to your mom and find out why she is insisting that you be in motion to a gynecologist. Next, if she still persists, perchance a discussion w/ your mom and primary doctor may help.
I hope this help, but it is hard to supply the best advice near so little info.
Good Luck!

I have no boobs!?


Migraines =/?

You do not be in motion to a GYN intill you have sexual intercourse of any road.


It might not be a bad concept.

While you PROBABLY won't have a full pelvic exam (unless you're have abnormal bleeding or some other gynecological problem), it will be an excellent time for you to ask adjectives those questions you be afraid to ask. It would also be a good time to look into the cervical cancer vaccine, since you aren't sexually live yet. You can also cram how to do a proper breast self-exam. And it will make you more comfortable next to what goes on during an annual pelvic exam.

Do NOT be afraid to ask question! A doctor's job is to train, and information is your best weapon in keeping yourself healthy.

The Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology just this minute made a national recommendation that girls as infantile as 13 or 14 start going to a gynecologist for exactly this purpose.

One final note: Be obliged you have a mother that even give a crap one way or another! :-)

HELP am so feed up?

you should see one at 14 and once a year after that

Women only!?

I believe doctors recommend you start going to the gynecologist when you become sexually helpful or turn 18, whichever comes first. It's probably not necessary you move about now, but it can't hurt, you requirement to get used to it anyway.

First Gyno. Exam on Friday?

I would step. It's better to be safe than sorry. It wouldn't hurt for you to seize a check up and make sure at hand is nothing wrong. Some women hold developed serious problems at an early age. Not at your age but contained by their twenties. So going would be beneficial just so you know how everything is going down in that.

I messed up my bc and now i am bleeding outstandingly heavy does this niggardly i have ovulated?

That is completely young. The solely reason you should be going is if your are have problems or you are sexually active. Could she be worried that you may become sexually involved and wants to brand name sure you are protected? Ask her why? If she insists tell her you prefer a womanly doctor. once in the department and before the exam recount the doctor you would like to speak to him/her alone almost a personal matter. You can other tell your mom latter it is about the use of tampons- problems are how to switch on, you were only just too embarressed. You can then ask their belief and express your fears. Any ethical doctor will listen to your concerns and then address them next to your mother. The doctor may very all right tell her that a stop by for you is not appropriate and your mother might be more willing to listen to the doctor.

Pregnancy and your cycle?

you should progress just after your first cycle ends. simply to make sure that adjectives systems are go.

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