Bleeding during intercourse?

I have no throbbing what so ever when I have sex. Just blood while I'm have sex. No pain the subsequent day in fact no pain at adjectives just some blood while I'm have sex looks just resembling period blood?? Don't take in they say your if you hold cysts there is anguish I have no spasm what else could this be?


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You asked this question nearer, and I would say that aching or no pain bleeding when you're have sex is not usually normal (unless you're perchance having impressively rough sex, or using other objects)

It's difficult to know where you are bleeding from, whether it's blood from inside your uterus, or perchance a cut or sore inside your vagina. But if you are getting spotting when you have intercourse after I would go to your Dr or to a very well woman clinic to discuss your concerns. They are the experts.

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Usually this is a sign of uterine fibroids. Fibroids are benign growths that form inside or on the outside of the uterus. By the time you accomplish middle age, most women (80 or more %) hold them. Most times they are no problem, but on occasion they grow ample enough to interfer near intercourse, pregnancy, they can cause irregular bleeding, strain and/or bleeding during intercourse, and a general notion of discomfort when sleeping on your stomach. I would get to an Ob/Gyn for an exam, and to answer any question.
Hope this helps.

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You should go c a doctor

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Without pain and blood, acquire the Dr. in on this.It sure sounds strange,are you pregnant I don`t know?Have the Dr. check it out it is not good to skulk too long.

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