HELP am so fed up?

am fed up i am so depressed the other year i have found a lump contained by my breast told people on here they told me dont verbs i try not to thanks for adjectives your advice but it still stays next to me i have not told my husband how i discern but if he was not marryed to me or i didnt enjoy my daughter i would prob kill myself i know this sounds unpromising but i cannot help it what can i do

How come i'm awareness so bad?

You inevitability to get a proper diagnosis. I know it must be terrifically scary for you, but it is better to find this lump checked out by your doctor.

There are many cause for a lump in the breast, and not adjectives of them are serious. There could be a simple explanation for this, so it is best that you find out what the cause is.

You should phone your G.P's surgery and ask for an appointment. You can ask for a womanly doctor if you would find this more comfortable.

There is lots of information about depression at
If you deliberate you might be depressed, please talk to someone - in attendance is help available.

There is a type of depression call reactive depression, this type of depression is triggered by a traumatic, difficult or stressful event, and people artificial will feel low, anxious, irritable, and even angry.

Please consult to your doctor.

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why do you give attention to so little of yourself, you got a hubby and a wee one to verbs about too, finding lumps is traumatic but isnt you still man here better, imagime how those who care dearly for you would suffer if you acted on these morbid thoughts, bring back yourself treated, get better-it may be zilch to fret over-and have a bubble. we all rooting for you..

Pain in both side of waist?

Please jump to see your doctor you have to share your family to take help.No one can aid you if you don't tell after that you need minister to you must tell your husband he will be your strength and minister to get you through this exceedingly upsetting time. i wish you adjectives the best keep within touch you are not the first lady on this site to hold a problem like this we are adjectives your friends.

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