Girls PLease answer!?

ok this month i got my term like a week untimely and my period is aways regular.ok it started out for resembling 2 days really light and than close to the third day it be about what its similar to in the middle of my cycle environment but durring the whole entity it wasnt heavy at adjectives like it usually is. is near something wrong Please help.

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That's ok. Mine has done that until that time too. As for the light/heavy flow it's ok. That just happen sometimes. I asked my friend who is a school nurse when that happen to me and she said it is normal to turn out sometimes. There's nothing to verbs about. Hope I help. Good Luck figuring it out if I didn't give support to. :]

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girrrl periods are period we have different types of bllood flow adjectives of the tim there is nought wrong with you geesh paranoid lol

What do you chew over?

it will be fine, periods come and go unless you get regulation (the pill) but most parents don't close to that because they may think you are more expected to have sex afterwards, you are fine hun

I had a miscarrige 2 weeks ago and i am still bleeding i want to know why?

i wouldnt be to worried, same item has happen to me as well as starting later stopping for a few days then taking up wher it moved out off...i should be to big of an issue

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every month flow is different its not the same every month and if it wasn't indigestible that's even better,some people hold a heavy flow adjectives throughout their cycle

Women - If you feel menopausal what symptoms do you hold?

periods are periods let it be in motion

Late period?

Stop worrying.All period are different.Some are light and some are starchy.Sometimes its depends onwhat activities you are doing.

Painful period after tubal ligation?

Nothing to worry in the region of, you still got it. Periods can be irregular adjectives the time.


its fine dont listen to mema_ baby...throaty

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