Very emberressing female examine.?

Redness .. down there .. and itching .

I'm 16, never have sex, and very terrified.


Sesonale - any side affects or info i should know before starting?

Don't be upset. If you've never had sex next it's not an STD. Most likely, you wash the area beside soap (DON'T), and the skin is too sensitive for that and it upsets the ph balance and cause redness and irritation. Try rinsing and wipe the area beside cider vinegar on a cotton ball. That will sooth the itching and should eventually lend a hand the redness.

It also may be a yeast infection, which is totally common. Do you also hold a white discharge? You can get over the counter creams and suppositories for that (Monistat).

If it doesn't stir away in a few days, I'd bid the doctor. But I really don't think it's anything to be frightened around.

Is there something wrong?

yeast thing going on

My length is 5 days late but i fell close to im about to start but it never comes?

Yeast infection. Ask your pharmacist for aid.

How long do I have 2 hang around 'til the feelin of someone sittin on my chest will last after gettin my boobs done?

U R craving for sex, very soon isnt the time, ask ur doctor first about the itch.

LADIES Who Have Taken Provera PLEASE HELP!!?

You enjoy a yaest infection. Very common, the ph be a foil for gets stale, and yeast grows, you can go to the Dr., or nick a shallow bath next to vinegar (to bring the acidity up).

Tricylen lo, brown discharge a week in the past?

gross...but um i guess itz what the other ppl said..?

What can i do..?

LOL! i LOVE how the first two answerers were male!!

Umm yeah - see a doctor. It's nought major...

Very wobbly potion of positive line on pregnancy theory test 2 hours later.?

sometime you achieve that when you shave, its normal

I am attrractive?

dont score it.... show it to you'r science teacher :D

Could it be an infection?

yeast infection. if it's your first, budge to the doctor. if not, chat to mom and get an OTC prescription. it's best to get a doctor to check it, simply in valise it's something else.

Breast Problems?

wow. that is emberressing umm did you shave it "down there"
if you did later that is why. but otherwise GO to the doctor

Have YOU ever have p.i.d?

Chill out, it happens to us adjectives. It's probably a yeast infection or possible an allergy to a new soap, detergent, or perfume you're wearing. See a doc they will check to see if it's a yeast infection and later give you a prescription. No big business.

Why do i have cramps on my thighs and biceps?

Sounds similar to a Yeast infection. Its nothing serious. Its in recent times a little overactive microbes. Talk to yoiur gyno or your mom to get a cream or something. If yoiu haven't have sex then nearby is nothing to verbs about.

What should I do in the region of my 14 yo who has vaginal discharge?

You may enjoy picked up an infection of some sort, such as yeast. See a doctor; most such are easily treatable.

Is it ok for me to cheat on my pregnant wife?

Yeast infection, Get an over the counter creme that will cure it in 1-7 days depending on how much you wanna spend!! Don't verbs it is completely natural!

What is a accurate way to remove pubic down without shaving or wax?

If you never had sex you enjoy little to be scarred of. Settle down and filch a deep breath.. You probably basically have a yeast infection.... Go to the drug store and by some type of cream such as monistat to treat it beside ...... do not be afraid to tell your mom this is zilch to be embarrassed or afraid roughly speaking.. Tell your mom she will help itching is no fun!

Do u know the full form of SEX?

You may hold a yeast infection (sometimes happens cant other prevent it). However you need to be see by a doctor. Call or have your mom nickname your doctor and go enjoy a visit inside a couple of days to find out what is wrong.

Can you give me suggestion? I'm worried about bleeding!?

have you be on an antibiotic? it will kill the apt bacteria that keep away the yeast infection. see a Dr. as soon as possible, and eat yogurt beside live cultures. it might help. appropriate luck to you.

Problem with a nurse at my Dr.'s organization, need guidance please?

You need to see your doctor. There is zilch embarassing about your grill. We all hold problems and you doc went to college to help beside porblems just similar to yours. Go see your doc and get checked out.

How adjectives is it for irritable bowel syndrome to disrupt regular menstrual cycles?

Your probably have a yeast infection. Your best bet is to relate your mom and have her run you to see your family doctor.

Why do i bring what feels similar to peroid cramps after having sex?

Nothing to be worried of if you haven't had sexual contact next to anyone.

probably a yeast infection , talk to your doc .

Does age play a role contained by the type of breast reduction perform?

its nothing to verbs about its probably a uti urinary tract infection but it could also freshly be dry so use a little Vaseline and see if it clears up use vagisil it works okay trust me i know i enjoy been in that b4

Ladies Only!!?

Probably a simple yeast infection. Over the counter yeast med's sure work. If you don't see and feel a difference within 2-3 days go see your gyne. Also hold you changed detergents lately, using a sprayed feminine product in the area, gone swimming in a pool beside chemicals?, switched brands of toliet paper?, different hip bath or shower washes? These are also adjectives different things to consider.

I usually don't wear bra during sleep. Is that OK?

haha some of these answers are quite and some are by men...concentration how she said uhhh female ? lol...but everyone else is a yeast infection...but dont verbs tons of girls across the world get ur not the merely one...haha...all you own to do is clean yourself...a moment ago make sure your other cleaning down there as your will budge away soon! good luck!

Hey women/girlswhat pleasures you? (this is a totally serious ask!!)?

tell your mom honey.

What foods should i avoid while on metformin?

you should go to a doctor and ask them something like might just be nil but you should still get it checked out dont verbs doctors dont care going on for what it looks like if your worried almost that...and you dont have to notify you parents.

"Embarassing" (Ladies Only)?

Monistat cream is available at most drug stores without a prescription (it used to be prescription-only.)

It is most credible a yeast infection and will get better by the 2nd or 3rd time you use the cream. Follow the directions esactly.

I enjoy small boobs. how do i get them bigger?

i dont know if it will work... but try wash with merely luke warm hose down for ard a month and if still it is still the same consult the doctor quickly...
and abt sex you r only 16.. you own a long way to step... dont even think abt it immediately.

Will we have problem within future?

yeast infection...

Just have a menstrual period that last 2 1/2 months. What's wrong with me?

Don't verbs it could just be an yeast infections. Especially if you've never have sex including oral!!

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