I get really bad cramps after my period what should i do?

it dosent happen regularly but when it does its after my period and tylenol and other painkillers dont give the impression of being to help, what's your guidance, ?



If you are regular you should watch your sugar and caffiene intake 4 to 6 days in the past you start. Also increase your water intake or adjectives natural liquid like Bolthouse drinks, sold at Wal Mart in the Veggie division. Walk first thing after wake or do some kind of lantern exercise. If you are one to get cranky during this time you will see a difference in that as okay. I promise this will work.

Workout Buddy?

I know at this time of the month you don't feel approaching exercising ,but try it .It truely works.

Ok welll help im 14 and..?

Talk to your OB/GYN give or take a few it.

My girlfriend has never have and can't have an orgasm, give a hand?

Mydol or tylenol for menstrual periods work in good health. Try soaking in a hot bath or putting a thaw towel over your stomach. Green tea works for me too.

Missed period after abortion?

Amazingly plenty, I found a very suitable cure for Leg cramps.other than drinking dampen, or making sure you are not low on potassium, go to your robustness food store, and get for a moment bottle of Arnica Montana x6...you put about five of them beneath your tongue when your legs cramp up.and almost immediately the cramps are gone..you might want doctor to check to also see if you are anemic or not..that can also contribute to leg cramps..but for instant nouns..try the Arnica Montana x6.it is just amazing..permit me know if you do.I know you won't be disappointed. oh, sheesh.I though you said LEG cramps.LOL..well i am going to walk off this up anyway, in overnight case someone reads it and have bad leg cramps, because it is a existence saver!

Is Oral Thrush contagious?

take an advil and next go for a step

Could this be a Yeast Infection?

Well if it's regular cramps, watch you're saline intake. Salt effects the intenseness of the cramps. I'm noticed when I've have more salt the cramps are worse. Mydol is the best I know of to minister to with the backache.

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