My last period was 7 weeks ago and i done a pregnancy test and it was negative.?

me and my husband are trying for a baby but prior to my ultimate period they be 6 weeks apart and prior to that they were other only 30 days apart.

Is this possible?

ably, pregnancy tests aren't 100% accurate...try doing another one. if your time still doesn't come soon, i suggest you see a doctor as the problem may be something else. on the other hand, stress might be making your period irregular too, so try to relax a little if you've be under pressure. well-mannered luck with the babe making!

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I would recommend have this situation evaluated by your dr to see what could be causing this.

if he releases sperm contained by a jacuzzi can the girls in it procure pregnant ?

Chill out! It's probably just stress (it's a pretty adjectives symptom.) You know, I don't get how couples "TRY" for a little one?! It's a natural entity! It should just surface! If you're tense in the region of it, however, it follows that it makes things more difficult. So my warning? Relaaaaaxxxx. Make luuuuuurve and take it eaaaasy!

Good luck!

My term didn't come?

phantom pregnancy ! my mum was similar to that with me adjectives so long ago ! the test would not show up positive even when the doctor told her she be pregnant so go and check .. or it could be down to stress that you havent come on your interval !

Tampon Question?

Lady...go to a doctor.

Could i be too small!?


if you want to obtain pregnant i suggest that you make love on your fertile days..and how would you know that ur fertile its when your body secretions/discharge can be streched for almost an inch or so.

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