Could i be too small!?

my periods are other irregular. i will wait for ages and consequently they will come on/ off adjectives the time. i had 1 that last 3 weeks & 1 that lasted 6 weeks. which i know is too long. im reasonably small. (5'1 & 6 1/2 stones) im only 15 but my first term was a year & a partially ago. ive had 1 'middle-of-the-road' 1 EVER! my friend said i could be to skinny.. could it be this and if it is how can i get fatter. i devour a load of cr@p already!

Im a 14 yr old-fashioned girl with a 51o curve from scoliosis and?

you should plainly go to the doctor. i get my first period for 6 weeks as ably and thought that it was a moment ago because i just get it, but it turns out that i had an ovarian cyst that burst. they are pretty adjectives and can be harmless after they turn away, but they also might mean that you might own a higher indiscriminate of getting ovarian cancer. you should absolutely obtain checked out, even if its just for your own peace of mind.

How can I find a schedule of medicines that enjoy been recall?

it has nil to do with you person skinny! the 1st year of your period is never regular. The 1st time I ever started I bled for 2 months straight. It should straighten out pretty soon. But if it doesn't you should see a gynocologist. You might be prescribed birth control which would kind you periods timeable and much shorter and lighter.

What are some condition issues that are shared by women around the globe?

I don't know how stones convert to US pounds, but low counterbalance can be an issue. Many other things can be a cause too: consumption cr@p, your age, or even a health problem. Since your 1st be a year ago, get it checked out to receive sure everything is ok.

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Periods are difficult things because singular us girls have em! But if they are persistent that long consult a doctor even if you don't want some1 staring up Ur privates it will help and they will probably numeral it out if sumiks wrong! just accomplishment normal and dance on but i strongly suggest to consult your doctor before you start have pain! I hold a really heavy flow and sometimes i own problems! If you really start to worry next you may need some minister to! so tell ur doc beforehand its way to delayed!

How long does your period last mine lasts simply over 2 weeks is this normal?

sounds similar to your hormones are off. As far as intake goes, try to chomp through healthy foods, undamaged grains, vegis, fruits, proteins.
I would stir to the doctor and see about hormone psychiatric help.
My daughter did this and her doctor put her on the pill to regulate her periods. She's doing great presently.

ProblemProbally only females can answer or male docter.?

My dictionary say (s)X14= lbs.
Your period
I own not viewed adjectives these sites.
Quit running yourself down OF COURSE your NORMAL.!!

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