Can you loose weight with out exercise?

i have a greatly bad hindmost and i find it very tough exercise and walk alot. but i obligation to loose weight,

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Yes i lost over 2 stone on weightwatchers and didnt do any exercise as im a stagnant moo!

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to allege weight loss long residence it would have to be diet AND exercise

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good diet without lots of glorious calorie food would help

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About a week on speed should do it. you'd have to break the statute & it wont do much for your health if you keep hold of it up but it DOES make you loose immensity.

You do what you want. Im not your Mum.


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yes of course you can lose freight. you put weight on by consumption too many calories and lose it by consumption to few. aim at 1250 calories a day and the cargo will definitely come sour. if you did lose weight it would put smaller number strain on your back and trade name walking easier. try aqua exercises, you don't need to fix together a class, you don't even need to swim, of late hang on to the side and see at first for a few weeks and build up, no strain on back but still getting exercise. moral luck it will be worth it.

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but it is really hard!

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Exercise is always the best route.

Keep in mind that exercising will feasible help you pay for pain. By strengthening your hindmost, and losing weight and taking more strain stale your back, those pains may subside.

What you involve to find are low impact exercises that do not strain the back. For instance, nearby are yoga techniques that are designed for citizens with spinal column problems. Yoga is a wonderful thing as it increases overall wellness, strength, flexibility and harmonize. And since it's impact free, if you find the right yoga exercises, it won't hurt your back.

Go to your local bookstore or library and try to find exercise regimens designed for population like you next to bad back. Trust me, it will help.

Course, other consult with a doctor previously starting any exercise program.

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keeping to a good diet help, but execise definitely would backing too, and would lose the weight quicker. try easy-going excersise routines, and there are things you can do short having to meander a lot, you can do them sitting down. enjoy a look on the internet or magazines, as lots give little excersise tips, which i find great and realy unproblematic to follw. stella magazine, which comes in the sunday telegraph is the one i read from

im 25 and i have not goten my length what do i do?


There are various exercises that can be done, but you would inevitability to consult you physician before foundation them. There are other ways of losing weight, such as consuming satisfactory water, watching what you devour, such as staying away from bread, and sweets, and eating contained by portions. Eat when you are hungry not because you are bored, or watching TV, not saying that you do that, but intake when you are not hungry is a way to attach calories. Also be careful what times you guzzle. Eating late will attach pounds on to you because your body is slowing down, and doesn't have ample time to work off the extra calories. Never lay down right after intake, just close to you are going to sleep all of your organs are slowing down for the hours of darkness. And the food, in so lots words, is just sitting in that, and not being broken down allow you body at lowest possible 15 minutes before lay down after eating.

I option you luck, and I know that you can do it!

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I other found having a newborn to be a pretty good approach of hitting the 'Slimmer of the Month' headlines.

Amputation comes a close second.

Seriously though, sorry going on for your back, that's the first entry you should be looking to improve, near the consequent postural improvements. See a good sports physio (they can impart you effective exercises for your back).

If you hold a sedentary lifestyle, then your food consumption does not have need of to release loads of energy, and should be all right, not excessive. Try balancing your diet by aspect and volume accordingly.

If you want to do this, you can. Believe!

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I went from a size 14 to a size 10 short even trying, just by shifting my diet. You don't even need to run without anything you similar to, you just own to choose what you eat it next to. I did it by food combining. The principle is that starch foods use a different substance in the stomach for digestion from that used for proteins (one needs tart, one needs alkali). If you don't get through both at the same breakfast time they don't 'fight' contained by the stomach and the uptake of goodness from respectively is better. You can't have tradional roast - skip any the potatoes or the meat. Unfortunately most of our meals put the two together eg shepherds pie, meat pie, spag bog, everything.
Another pick is the blood type diet, which matches what you munch through to what your body is evolved to process. Type Os are meat eaters, type As are vegetarian. The book will also describe you what piles on the weight.

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I sympathise with you as i suffer near my back too, try swimming... it's gental exercize and rear legs strengthening too, also try to eat healthily.

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There are some great books out there similar to, You on a Diet, and Dancers Diet. Even if you are not a dancer, but you want to have that lean dancer look or a short time ago loose a few pounds, I highly suggest this book. It puts everything into simple vocabulary.Also there are modified exercieses that are better for empire with rear problems or knee issues such as pilates or yoga. These will oblige melt away the issue areas and strengthen muscles while you loose bulk. The main issue is making sure you hold a balance between both, but the best style to loose weight and maintain it off is to do fortitude training, which would mean long time exercise beside low weight, this make a lean body, with a consious diet. Fad diets simply work for a short peroid of time and then when you are "done" near the fad diet, your body over compensates for the sugars you lost surrounded by the fad diet, and when you step back to your "normal" consumption habits you will gain cargo back quicker and you will hold more fat which make it harder to loose the next time. It is adjectives about your metabolism. I find counting calories devoted rather than omiting trustworthy foods. Like I said before, even if you are not a dancer, The Dancer's Diet is great because it explaines metabolism.

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You can, but the evidence is you will have difficulty sustaining the loss. A recent dissertation from the University of California showed that 2/3 of patient that diet in need exercise actually terminate up putting weight on.

Depending on the severity of your hindmost problem exercise may help it too. Go see a physio and bring back advice, within are few conditions that would preclude all exercise.

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yes u can but it will not b natural nearby are pills u can use but i suggest not if u were made tacky don't change the passageway God made u

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