my last mensturation was 25th now it is 29th and i have not seen my mensturation can anyone help me?

in the month of April I saw my mensturation on 1st of May then within May it came on 28th May, within June it was 27th and the second one in July be on 25th now it is 29th August and no traces on the other hand what do I do please


That is lone 4 days late, if within fact it is unpunctually, your cycle seems to be a bit regular at 28-30 days, so the odd year out is not a big concern unless you have defence to worry such as if you own had unprotected sex.

If you own had unprotected sex it is possible you are pregnant, in need a pregnancy test in attendance is no way to voice for sure, for the record emergency contraception/induced abortion is still an substitute this early on if it is unwanted pregnancy – see

It might be a correct idea to try tracking your extent, if not your cycle, if you are this concerned just about late menstruation - from simple calendar charting showing when to expect your interval to full on use of Fertility Awareness Method to show you why you may not have have your period, see following sites;

There are tons things that effect your cycles to bring about delayed menstruation or not at home menstruation, stress is a big factor as is illness, as your body will intrinsically try to prevent pregnancy if you are not in full condition. It is not something to worry almost until you are a lot following or have have unprotected sex.

You can induce your periods, although it is best to give up your body to get on near what it wants as it know best, it will not harm you to induce your length every now and again to relieve stress of fictional menstruation, provided you have at least possible two weeks of uterus lining build up [which you will enjoy at this point in your cycle]. A few ideas for simple induced menstruation;

-Vitamin C in pure form, a few tablets a light of day for example will starve your uterus of progesterone, which can aid in breaking down the uterus walls to bring on menstruation.

-Sex, the contractions and relaxation along beside increased blood flow to the vagina can induce menstruation, during orgasm a hormone is released called Oxytocin that cause uterus contractions similar to those that push out menses. Semen can also help to verbs the cervix. General exercise helps too.

-Herbs, Parsley is by far the widest used for inducing period also the safest and easiest to get your hand on. The fresher the better, but tea bags from a supermarket fairly than brewing from fresh plants will do the job too. Add a handful of chopped parsley to simmering marine, allow to steep for half an hour, strain, join honey to taste and drink a few times a afternoon until your period shows up – it is crucial not to use boiling water as this make the herb lose some of its potency. Other herbs that can be used to induce menstruation; dong quai, mugwort, black cohosh, and rue.

There are also medical ways of inducing menstruation such as pills from your doctor or extraction if you can find someone locally to you who can carry out the procedure, these however are quite extreme when really the above methods should be satisfactory for simply induced menstruation.

Normally from which month a pregnent women starts getting milk.?

all you can do is wait for it to come or hold the pregnanccy test if you ruminate you need to..i wouldnt verbs about it though..unless you presume your pregnant

Worst cramps of my life!!?

Must see a Doctor this week if you don't give attention to, you could be pregnant.

whats the fastes way to gain pregnant?

give it another week, then if your sexually busy then be in motion get a pregnancy exam! if your not then stir to the doctor!

Has anyone used Physician's Candida Formula & Probiotics Plus by The Yeast Connection for cleanse yeast?

Don't panic, lots of things can put it sour, even for weeks at a time, and you would not be pregnant. If you don't have it surrounded by a week's time, do a pregnancy test. If that's cynical, do the sensible thing and travel and see your doctor.

But really, periods uncommonly come every 28 days exactly. So don't worry too much just about it :-)

me and my husband never use protection..?

If you follow the trend of your circle you should know that you are not likely to enjoy mensturation untill 1st of sept. So keep cool & be expecting.

Brown Discharge?

wait a week after test

can uu still seize pregnant even if you havent had a time in 2 or 3 months?

is at hand any chance you could be pregnant? don't forget stress can be paid your period slow. have you be worried about something latley? if your still worried pop to the doctor to put your mind at security that my help you dutiful luck let me know how you get on i m me or email me dee my profile deatals if you need to adjectives the best anna

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