What could this be..someone help am confused!?

I am ttc now for 5 months, and my cycles gamut to 29 days or 39 days. My last interval was 28th Feb.

I hold started to have spotting on the 22nd march past, with cramps and lower vertebrae ache, next it went to threatening brown discharge the following day, yesterday and today theres purely more light spotting, that seem to be disappearing. (So this has be going on for 4 days).

I have never have this before, singular if I was to come on my term, and now it seem to be disappearing along with the cramps.

If my cycle be 29 days I have a week to jump for my period, and I hold never ever experienced ovulation bleeding!

I did a preg test today, the one where on earth you can test for 4 days previously your period, but it individual has 51% of an accurate result. Well it come negative.

Did I question paper too early?

I enjoy no other symptoms of pregnancy apart from feeling a bit sick in a minute and again, the cramps have gone.

Any concept what this could be??

Why is my vagina in pain and i'm constantly showery down there?

be in motion to the doc. Good luck.

How effective is the morning after pill?

You may hold had a really precipitate miscarriage OR it could be that you are pregnant and it is the embreyo bedding into your womb. The only approach you will really know is to wait a few more days and consequently test. With my first pregnancy it took ages to show on a interview even though i knew i be...

Do depo-reva work?

pregnancy testing kids are not other reliable. the symptoms you describe are very much alike as when i got pregnant beside my first child.go to your doctor or relations planing for more reliable advice.

Have you ever watch a guy play with his penis?

Pregnant I reckon!

Getting Breast Reduction?

Dont verbs but go see a GP I know loads of women including myself that bled when first pregnant for the first term and everything was fine.dont verbs.xx

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