Anyone got any clever tips on how to combat p.m.t ?

im just give or take a few ready to execute ! (hypothetically)

why do women worry so much?

Hun iam resembling that two weeks before my interval. I feel so sorry for the citizens that have to put up beside me as i am that bad. I ve be the doctors they put me on the pill for abit i did think it be working but it wasn't. I changed my diet stop eating cast-offs food and chocolate! Which is a no no any way,That made me even more close to a mad woman. Ive tried yoga but near cramps and head ache and bending and squatting really pissed me off! All the herbal tablets going no works but i am in a minute trying st johns wort. My husband has said Ive have a good p.m.t this month. So that works for me. xxx

how can I cotrol saliva that flows the corners of my maw when talking?

yoga is really appropriate for it- chills you out- try hot baths with relaxing grease and stuff- and just pretty much put away what you want- chocolate and stuff- it helps me-

Heavy Menstrual Cycle and provisional vision loss?

hmmmm...shoot her..she wont obtain it again....hope ya not a woman :)

Am i pregnant or is this menopause?

Kill the hubby!

When are you most fertile between your periods?

Day Spa

how do i find rid of muscle ache?

i used to be duplicate but i take one tablet of agnus cactus from vigour food shop and it has help me a treat

How do you stop yourself from being so glum and be more motivated?

I found accupunctuire really worked. My periods and PMT be sorted out in more or less 6 sessions. Even after the first session I noticed a uncompromising change. I can just recommed Traditional Chinese Accupuncture though.

how do i know when my period is coming when i own an irregular period to be exact a range of 14-35 hours of daylight cycle?

hey! i love you so much. You're a lovely person for human being so honest. but..Thou shalt not murder-remember.

TRY CHAMOMILE. Available at most major stores and herbalists. Very worthy. Bless you

Are any of the weight loss products on the souk health-safe?

With the cramps I find a hot water bottle and some chocolate and comfy slobby clothes contained by front of the tv helps.

With the psycotic foreboding, I find nothing help. Crying maybe?

A lot of GPs recommend going on the pill as that can relieve. Something to do with hormones I guess.

You're not alone though!! Take thoroughness x

When us girls get PMS why do we get the impression so awful for?

Read Dr.John Lee's book on "What your doctor won't tell you in the region of Menopause", and get progesterone. This is a cream available within most natural/health food stores, buy the highest concentration you can find, apply day after day. Also sold on the Internet. As you may know, progesterone is a natural substance to the body, and any extra you don't use simply pass out of the system. Most evidence is anecdotal, but try it - you'll like it!

How Long does your arm hurt for after the implanon have been fitted?

Meditation & homeopathy oblige me. As well as chocolate.

Does anyone hold really bad abdominal craps from the depoprovera shot?

Taking regular exercise, such as aerobics or jog - exercise can help next to the symptoms, but it should be done regularly, not just when symptoms are present.
Avoiding stress at home and work in the time back a period is due.
Pinpointing and avoiding any electric triggers or stress that make the symptoms worse; discussing these next to your partner or a friend and asking for their support.
Some women have found that taking vitamin B (particularly B6) is caring, but there is solitary limited solid evidence that this works, and high doses can lead to damage to the disconcerted system.
Daily magnesium or calcium supplements may help.
Some women find that taking evening primrose grease helps relieve breast discomfort but the solid evidence is patchy. Long-term treatment (more than 3 months) may be required before any effect is notice.

Is anyone else sick of?

I use a product called Star flower, they are gelatin capsule that you can buy from chemists. You have to appropriate these regularly to feel the benefit, but they worked for me

Lactating, but not pregnanthelp?

Send the kids to their grans, but hold on to your man close - this is where you catch him back for not giving birth :-D spawn him suffer!

Playtex gentle skate or tampax pearl?

do Indian meditation and Yoga.

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