24yrs old, my husband & i have been TTC 4 awhile now?

and i just finished my length about a week ago in a minute in the ending 7 days that i havent had my spell my husband & i have have sex twice in the week immediately today my period have started again is there any karma of me being pregnant or am i wanting some sort of vitamin or something or is it just irregular stage i also hold been a moment or two stressed could that be the reason? seeking ancestors to help me please?

I am 17 yrs weak girl .Can I increase my height by 2-3 inches?

Stress can play a HUGE section in your hormone production. If you hold not been to the doc, you might want to catch a check up just to see what the prob might be. My husband and I hold the same sensitive of thing going on, except that my time became so unusual and irregular that when I finally got adjectives checked out I found out I have PCOS (Poly cystic ovary syndrome). I am taking some meds in a minute, and I have gone put money on to normal, but still hold not gotten pregnant. Still trying, though!

Hey guys i want to increase my wieght give me some design how it is possible?

If I read this correctly, you had your extent and then 2 weeks after the ending one started, you had another one. While this is not majority, it's no really life threatening unless it keep on happening. If your cycle is usually 28 days, this would be set to you started your period dang close to when you should own been ovulating. There may own been some description of defect or something that cause your system to go ahead and flush itself out. Look up chemical pregnancy.This may offer you an idea. This may not be what happen, but it is a likely leeway.

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