Why do some people dislike oral sex?

Do you hate giving it and/or receieving it? Or do you similar to receieving it but hate giving it? Really interested in why some dislike it so? Please make available reasons as to why for both.

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I love it. Receiving it and giving it, and while I don't always similar to in my mouth, (more because the tang is rather icky sometimes), I do approaching giving pleasure, and the 69 is the best position for this, trying to see who will first!

What has matrimonial got to do next to oral sex? Also, if you make sure that you are fresh out of the shower, within is nothing dirty roughly speaking it. You should be nice and clean and soap smelling!

Ok so how heaps holes do we have down near?

you got me ? number one it is an art form pratice make perfect

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Everyone have a preference. I would enjoy no problem with it if I be married.

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It's messy and sometimes the smells and taste can gross people out.

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It is a little disgusting, if you reflect of it. Physically it is nice getting it, but personally I perceive bad thinking my partner might be disgusted, so i don't want to achieve it either. Giving it is noticeably not enjoyable.

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i like givin ..but not recieving ..i close to to be in command.i know how to please ,but am frozen to be pleased

Always hot?

People hate the partiality, try oral sex with flavored gooey candy or strawberry jelly. If you don't have any of these verbs out a mint candy and enjoy!!

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Why do some culture dislike anything?
Perhaps its a question of partiality.

Ladies, please do this?

gimme gimme gimme

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lol i like both but i resembling receiving it more lol but i prefer giving blow job 2 hand job dont know y but i just do!

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For some populace, it's a hygiene thing. But it's of late what people similar to & don't like.

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Gross. That is beyond nasty!

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I love receiving. Do bj to please my man.

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idk i don't mind either reception or giving but i won't just do it beside any random guy any. i think most empire don't like it because it seem gross but really that area isn't any dirtier than any other nouns of the body. the thing that throws me the most nearly wanting to give it is the guy ing in my mouth...that might run some getting used to though

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Love giving and receiving.

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Oral Sex Liking disliking is totally a personal factor depending upon his childhood growth circumstances, customs he follows, intensity about thinking in the order of sexualact.

But if it is because of worrying for hygine.then dance ahead for ORAL SEX..knowing following facts.

1) Mouth normally studded beside MILLIONS OF BACTERIA (which is evident at untimely mornig breath smell) then isn't at hand a risk for FRENCH KISS and exchanging saliva?

2)So No question of bacterial nouns.the SMELL?. Without hesitation one should ask sexual partener to verbs genital properly with dampen and mild soap.Which Removes Secreation of Sebaceous Glands..(THAT SECREATION GIVES SMELL) as well will remove smell of urine.. GO AHEAD THEN WITHOUT WORRY.you are dealing beside a more clean factor than mouth, contaminated hands.

3) Care to be taken if HIV status of partener not known(for those have multiple and unknown partners)

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some relatives hav never heard of soap and hose. if want some one to go down near, you got do some housekeeping! the cleaner you are the longer they will dawdle. have a nice time. xxx

Is it hotter?

i love giving my husband oral,an its out of this world to get it subsidise!love giving and receiving,love the love!yummmmmm

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Maybe because they don't approaching private parts going into their mouths..they don't like getting messy in that course =S

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after proper cleaning ,do sex in 69 possition ,its the best to suck respectively other and enjoy the actual sex.

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i thing horrible smell their teeth

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