Why might my lower abdomen be pulsating or have a heart beat?

When I look this up, it keeps maxim aortic abdomen aneurysm. I'm a 24 year old-fashioned female who's relatively good... I'm assuming that's not the issue. Can stress cause this? What nearly starting back up an exercise program? Would rudely stopping Nexium have anything to do near it? I'm a little panicky now since the just thing I can find is related to aneurysms. Any guidance would be appreciated.

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You are idea the pulse from the artery running through your abdominal cavity (the abdominal aorta). If you are a thin feminine (which I'm guessing you are ) this is not uncommon. As for the medication - most promising not. Stress does not cause aneurysms. Aneurysms result from a ineffectual area surrounded by the blood vessel wall - Blood flows through this weakened nouns and begins to collect in the layers of the blood vessel walls - much close to a balloon filling next to water. As for exercise - it is other recommended that you discuss this with your doctor prior to starting one.
Hope this have helped.

I ponder I might have lost a tampon?! is this possible?!?!?

your aorta runs down into your tummy. if you were have a triple a (abdominal aortic aneurysm) believe me, you'd know it. i work in the medical field and enjoy only seem to be 1 true triple a

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it happens to me sometimes too.. It probably lone temporary. If it persist get it checked out.

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Anuerysm is a BIG word. You would have more symptoms than only a pulsating abdomen(blood pressure increase is one). If you are sexually active , you could be pregnant. Mine tummy did this at that time. But, RELAX and if this is bothering you that much , I recommend seeing your physician.
If you have any other symptoms go off abruptly, see a dr. as soon as you can.
Good Luck!

I am thirteen and weigh 105 why haven't i started on the other hand?

I have have that for years now solely mine sometimes feels similar to it moves.Every time I would bring it up to my doctor he would feel my stomach it would never happen.He said if it don't hurt
leave it alone.It started right after I have my baby,it doesn't hurt
and I enjoy had it for so long It doesn't bother me.

this is for the girls just about coloposcomy?

If you just started up an exercise program, probably including doing crunches or sit ups, the pulsing feeling(and some times you can see them too, may merely be a muscle spasm.

If it were and aneurysm and this have been going on, you probably wuld not be asking this on the computer, you would probably be discussing it wwith an ER doc.

I doubt it is anything too serious, but you know your body better than anyone. If you are worried, see a doc ASAP.

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