For the ladies?

Is it normal for a woman to own to wear panty liners everyday. I hold a constant discharge, I average about 6 bacterial infections a year and 10-12 yeast infections. I see my doc regulary and other get treated. pointless to say i don't be aware of very comfortable almost myself down there. does anyone else hold this problem? is it common?

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idk if its common... i hold discharge all the time but enjoy never had a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. Then again im with the sole purpose 13, so it is probably a lot different for you... never mind afterwards.

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No its not normal. Instead of your dr in recent times treating the symptoms, he/she really needs to find the pretext behind the infections.

Good luck to you..

Women individual, does this happen to you?

You should appropriate probiotic supplements like acidophillus. They can be within pill form or found in most yogurts. The vigorous bacteria will abet kill fungus and unpromising bacteria i.e. festering. Do you take like mad of antibiotics? Antibiotics can mess up the fauna down there so the probiotics are deeply important to keep hold of everything in balance. I don't hold this problem but I have hear that this works.

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I reflect on the doc is ignoring the palpable..they are missing something because that is not typical, you must be miserable. That is a very humiliated and unenjoyable way to live. Please progress to a new doc..preferrably a womanly, easier to talk don't involve to live this way. It sounds approaching you have an on-going low title infection..there is a common sense for that, I don't know it and your answer won't be found here I am afraid, go to up to date doc...good luck.

need to find a course?

No, this is not common. I would want to know why you are so susceptible to so oodles infections.

What has ur experience be with Plan B? if u lug 2nd pill first instead of the 1st pill first, is that bad?

Read the book "Natural Cures" by Trudeau. Get it cheap on ebay. It changed my existence. In a nutshell, I saw naturopaths on this subject, and it ended up individual completely related to my diet. I only thought I ate low sugar, low carb foods, but by keeping a food diary I realize just how much sugar I have been consuming - even ketchup and milk hold sugar in them... I go on a very strict yeast free diet, it be very difficult and foods I wan't decipherable with - and combined that near nystatin, it worked, finally. Many, many women own this issue due to today's diets and the chemicals in our foods lowering our immune system. I with the sole purpose eat natural now, single drink organic milk, nick a daily dose of Solaray Yeast Cleanse pills (over a year now) and hold only have one problem this year. It takes a complete overhaul of your diet and determination not to chomp through things that will make you sick again. It worked for me.

How can i acquire to sleep?

No, this is not normal. If I be you, I would go to a speciality to find out the root raison d`??tre.

How do you know when to go for a smear oral exam, does your doctor contact you?

I do not have this problem but why isnt ur doc finding the grounds. You should look into another doctor.

Steriods? (10 easy points)?

i sort of have the same problem but not so extreme. i have several yeast infections and several bacterial infections after i found out i had clymidia, later i was treated for that, but it still be all ...eww... down at hand and i knew something wasn't right. so i go for a regular pap exam, and she tested me out and it turns out i had trichamonosis, and i be treated for that and now i quality almost 100% better. u should ask to be tested for it. i never even heard of it earlier.

Does anyone have any home remedies for HOT FLASHES?

it's everyday to wear panty liners but, not to hold that many infections. you can stir to a health food store and find canadia and that will help symmetry the yeast in your body. within has to be a underlying motivation your body is doing this.

Bumps on areola/nipple?

change ur doc. i think usually it's better you find a better gynaecologist than a regular doc. i hear gynocs deal next to this type of situations or may be they will direct you to a better doc. don't neglect.goodluck

is it o.k. to thieve Estrin D, with wellbuterin xl?

Bacteria and Yeast are Normal and prerequisite in a "Healthy" vagina. It is when they procure out of BALANCE that an infection occurs. Several things can create this.
First of all "down there" have to breathe. Wearing panties and pads adjectives the time is likely only just providing the right (warm / moist) atmosphere for bacteria to grow! Also, some antibiotics will create an inequity and often result surrounded by a yeast infection - some find eating garlic help! (seriously)
You should not be suffering this much. I would suggest bringing the frequency up to your doctor and rather than lately treating your latest outbreak, research what is cause it.
For example:
Unprotected sex, men pass yeast infections rear legs to women all the time, lacking even knowing they are!
Anal intercourse to vaginal (personally think its disgusting, but some close to it - it is VERY dangerous for heaps reasons - not lately infections)
Wiping properly from front to back is extraordinarily important.
Of course virtuous hygiene is important.
I would recommend discussion to a pharmacist - they know more about side effects of meds than most doctors.
Some other cause of feminine problems are some of the products on the market today: aromatic pads, tampons etc are habitually a problem for that sensitive area. Some women douche, this too disturbs the unconscious balance contained by the vagina .. especially when using chemicals / perfumed products - the further from "natural" the closer to trouble!
You really shouldn't be have All those infections. Maybe try googling "Good Vaginal Health" to see if there are anymore tips .. does and don'ts ..
And .. as I usually tip off - Don't blindly accept ANY guidance you receive online. We are NOT doctors, even the ones who say they are may not be.
Good Luck

I should also mention that I enjoy used "garlic tampons" to restore the balance within my own "down there". Simply crush garlic, wrap it well within cheese cloth, sew it closed and leave a string for removal. Insert next to your fingers. Garlic is natures remedy for several things. Sounds gross, it works.

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