I am thirteen and weigh 105 why haven't i started yet?

Please answer my auestion.

Is it wrong of me?

You will start in your own time hon. I didn't start until I be 13...all the girls I know had already started (or thats what they said anyway)

Unable to urinate? At 14 weeks pregnant..?

Each personage is different. My sister was almost 15 when she have her first period. Patience and mother outlook. There is nothing wrong, it's only not time yet.

does strivectin work?

I started at 9
My friend started at 12
Some others started at 15.

Don't verbs, you are fine =D

What a girl to wear on a night out?

it will come its not fun

Girls singular plz.?

most people start developing around 13/14 years older, dont worry hun, its coming. and trust me, you DONT want your spell. when i was 13 (one year ago) i be angry cuz i didnt have my time yet and mostly adjectives of the other girls had theirs. my friend said to me: "trust me, your lucky you dont own it yet, it sucks!" but i didn't believe her. i needed mine BAD. And soon enough, i get it. and there is no place worse than getting it on an airplane. worst daylight of my life. anyway, i get it and at first i was sort of excited, but later i started hating it. and i still do. but in a minute my breasts are developing and i can notice a difference. upright luck!

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