Sweat Problem!?

okay so i'm a girl and it's really embarrassing when you enjoy sweat patches. i be at a carnival the other day and it be getting hot so i took my jumper past its sell-by date & the patch would have be about 15cm long!how do i stop this!its so shameful!i cant wear tops with tight underneath the arms because its to embarrassing! i take them even when im not doing enthin!

i wear a shirt under neath my university shirt to try and soak up the stuff from under my arms and it sometimes worksm but its so soggy from sweat! i use anti perspirant deodaret so thankgoodness i dont smell but i cant stop these patch. im a teenager so could this basically be an akward time? my friends dont get them!! even the guys after sport dont grasp them yet i seem to be to have them adjectives the time. its so embarasing & my frends point them out and then i fell approaching an idiot becoz i have these sweat patch!!wat am i gnna do for winter wen i hav to wear a jumper becoz even wen im freezing i bring back them!& btw i already am a woman if u no wat i mean

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The best item to use in Drysol. It is single by prescription in the US but surrounded by some countries it's not. You only use it once a week just at night and it will completely stop the sweating the first time you use it. Certain Dri is for a while weaker but it is over the counter and is used the same agency. I have deal with Hyperhidrosis my entire existence and I know how embarrassing it can be. I promise you these products will work.

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Get the Mitchum type antipersperant. It's truly a sweat stopper. You may enjoy to where looser clothing that doesn't cling.

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my dear friend i am trying to give you this answer as not contained by terms of interim solution , but it taks some time to solve your actual problem of patches is occuring because you own extra solt in your sweat so when it drys the solt remain on cloth and creat patch so drink lot of hose can solve this problem but as i say it will rob some time to give you the desired result .

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There is a label of deodorant which actually stops you sweating underneath the arms. I don't recommend using it all the time as it blocks the sweat glands, but if you use it once every 2 weeks it should work, afterwards just use a commonplace deodorant daily. It is call DRICLOR and is a little more expensive than everyday deodorants but worth a try.
PLEASE DON'T use it for 48 hours after shaving your armpits, it will sting approaching crazy and they will turn bright red!!

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shave off ur lower than arm hair and after it it would reduce to some extent

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Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where a person sweats excessively and unpredictably. People beside hyperhidrosis can sweat even when the temperature is cool, and when they are at rest.

Some possible cause of excess perspiration:

Hyperhidrosis There are nerve ending that regulate the amount of sweat produced by your sweat glands. With hyperhidrosis, those nerves are overactive. About one percent of Americans suffer from this problem.

Overactive thyroid: People with overactive thyroids, or hyperthyroidism can sweat excessively.

Menopause: Women who are going through menopause usually complain of "hot flashes" or "hours of darkness sweats." This is a big problem for many women.

Some Ways To Curb Excess Perspiration:

Wear loose-fitting clothes: Tight-fighting clothes tend to trap body warmness, causing you to sweat.

Wear instinctive fibers: Unlike manmade fibers such as polyester, fabrics made near cotton breathe.

Use talcum or anti-fungal powder: Powders can help hold your attention moisture. Also look for a deoderant that specializes in dealing next to sweat.

If none of these work, there are medical option that are available.

Oral medications: There are several medications such as atropine which assistance block the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. The drawback is that some of these drugs can also dry up other bodily secretions (for instance, they can make happen dry mouth). Also, if your perspiration tends to be triggered by stress or an heartfelt event, blood pressure medications call beta-blockers or sedatives call benzodiazepines may help.

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You prob have a condition call Hyperhodrosis. I have have the same problem for heaps many various years. I have hide it and have even developed serious anxiety from it. Go immediately to your doctor and tell him you be reading up on hyperhydrosis and see what steps you can take subsequent. It is VERY important to go and get this taken care of immediately that you are young. I need I had but I be too embarassed.

Go here honey and check this site out. I would print this out if you have these symtoms and show it to your doctor.


Also b/c your immature you maybe competent to try DriSol or Maxim.

Good luck.

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Dear Napoleon Dynamite,
there are lots reasons why some populace perspire at the abnormal rate that you do. please, i am not trying to insult you i want to aid you..my sister has one and the same problem as you and she went to the dermatologist and he prescribed a prescription medication call Drysol. this is used for excessive perspiration under the arms and also sweating palms of the hand.it is a very strong rx medication and can be used every morning. if the pharmacy that you go to doesn't own the Drysol have them special lay down it for you. but you do need a doctor's RX surrounded by the state of California. Also there is an over the counter deoderant/anti-perspirant call Mitchum's that is pretty effective and i use that one every daylight myself. If the pharmacy does not carry that product later ask them the special order it for you. you will not be repentant. i have like peas in a pod problem as my sister, but not to the degree that she does...also keeping a bottle of newborn powder handy can be helpful within a pinch. I know exactly how you feel and right presently i feel your distress..and then as a finishing resort, i hear the derm docs are using Botox to combat this problem. So see? there is a bedside light at the end of the tunnel....
Good luck and may God bless and maintain you safe and thankful.
luv, Sweetness #1

Yeast infection prescription??

please drink a lot of wet. At least 10-12 goggles per day

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