2 months, no extent, not pregnant, no signs of STD.?

I went to a doctor she say stress...I'm not under any stress..what's going on? anyone have this before. I took a blood testing and it came out negtive, for STDs and Babies. what's happining to me?

Knowing your cycle?

Its probably due to change in your hormones.
I have your same problem once... and freak out.
But since you had go to a doc and she confirmed that you arent pregnant and no STD..
That means you are fine.

Probably you should walk check up with another doc again in 1 month's time if are worried.
Sometimes stress comes in an assortment of forms...
Not just emotionally..
A correction in your lifestyle contributes to secure stress in your body.

Anyway, merely relax and enjoy the 2 month break.
At lowest possible you dont have to verbs about have menstrual cramps for this period.

Can I own sex while dealing with ovarian cyst's?

=O you're turning into a man

I own very big ovaries, but no symptoms of PCO. Do people enjoy very sizeable ovaries with no form problems?

your body could be going through changes that could cause
a bottleneck in your spell. i don't think its anything serious,but
if you still haven't have a period a month from presently i would
suggest that you see a different doctor and get a second assessment.

Mirena IUD?

Do not know your age. May be normal around start.
What are other symptoms?

How do I gain rid of razer burn down there?

If its stress later stress it is. Think happy thoughts and you'll be ok.

Legs and chills?

I missed 3 months and I wasn't stressing. It's ok, don't verbs it's just change in hormones

Instead sympathysing a handicapped creature we should study something from them what is your opinion?

Do not verbs. There are a number of rationale which could cause this. There are various positive effects on your body from not having a length. The only refusal effect (that is if you want to have children) is you will not return with pregnant.
Remember the first 12-14 years of your life you did not enjoy a period and be healthy. Some women do special exercises to stop their term.

Any females have an larger than everyday uterus?

Don't panic, it's happend to me. Your probably going through a tuning in your body.

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