When did you have your period? Tampons or pads? What does is look like?

I just have my period. I enjoy NO idea what to do.

my gynecologist be male?

If this is your length then CONGRATULATIONS! – I hope you sanctify by doing something fun and hope you enjoy it, remember it is solitary as good or as fruitless as you make it :o)

I have my period at around 13 years old-fashioned, for me it was resounding blood and the feeling of self wet that initially made me look, but for some girls it can be lately brown discharge. I just put some toilet newspaper around my panties, told my friend all roughly it on the way home from college, and asked my mother for a tampon when I got home.

I started next to tampons straight away, but I wish I have started with cups straight away, I'd outstandingly suggest looking at all your option not just tampons or pad, particularly as commercial pad are bad for vaginal condition, environmentally harmful and completely expensive – most girls seem to start sour with pad.

You might want to ask your mother or an older feminine in your home for help, and start have a look at different web sites roughly what happens during your interval, different options and how to communicate your mother or how to celebrate your extent, here are some sites for you to visit;


Some different menstrual option to consider;

Commercial tampons – e.g. Tampax
Organic tampons – e.g. Natracare
Soft tampons – e.g. Gynotex
Sponge tampons – e.g. Jade & Pearl
Homemade tampons
Commercial pads – e.g. Always
Organic pad – e.g. Natracare
Cloth pads – e.g. Lunapads
Homemade pads
Padded panties – e.g. Lunapanties
Rubber bell-shaped menstrual cups – e.g. Keeper
Silicone bell-shaped menstrual cups – e.g. Divacup
Soft plastic softcups – e.g. Instead
Homemade menstrual cups
Diaphragms as menstrual cups
Free-flow layering
Free-flow instinctive
Period blankets

How do you know what size of tampons to bring?

try a pad for ur 1st few period then u can try to use tampons but u might not close to them some people dont

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today at 2:00, i prefer tampons so it achieve shoved up der innit, and looks like tomato soup

i dont hold my period and ya?

I would have a chat to a mom or doctor for real guidance on this. I used pads beside wings at first when I be 13 and soon got tampons because they are "smaller quantity messy" and easier. Try the slender tampons first. There are actually directions within the box of how to use them. Goodluck and welcome to women hood=).

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I first started at age 14. Pads are best until you own some activity (swimming, camp, etc) that would be hindered or dampened by not using tampons. You should keep using anything you use for a day or two after the blood flow stops, in recent times in luggage.
It looks mostly like you've get blood in your undies. Sometimes within'll be dark clots (normal), rust-brown blood (normal) or a sticky, egg-white consistency fluid (normal unless its green or smelly). Hydrogen peroxide and cold water will draw from most bloodstains out if you're quick something like it. Oxy-Clean will get rid of the rest.
Good luck!

Not pregnant but feel like fetal movement.?

can you homily to your mom about this? but try pad with wing first

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Okay, I am 12 and got it 1st time the beggining of this month. You should use pad until your mom tells you you can use tampons. I use pad. It looks like, very well you should know, you got it, it looks resembling that! Tell your mom. I know its hard, do it however you preference but you need to convey someone!

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I got my length when I was 13 and I used pad for the first 2 years. This is because you need to find out how cumbersome your flow is and what size tampon you should get. Remember, when you choose a tampon you own to choose the smallest absorbency for your flow. This helps provide you a lesser adjectives of getting TSS.

I haven't had my time of year in 3 months!! Help?

i get mine at 14, and i used pads.

Going minus?

I started getting my period when I be 13. Until I went on artificial birth control, my menstrual fluid sundry from clumpy/ clotty, to very liquidy, flushed to brown. When I went on bc, which I am no longer on immediately, I had a 4 hours of daylight period, VERY desk light flow, and it was especially thin and liquidy. It really depends on your body and your colloquial menstrual flow.

As far as pads and tampons are concerned, I other hated pad because they were messy and humiliated. I used to wear tampons all the time, until I found an amazing product call the Diva cup. It costs about 30 dollars, but it's reusable and last for up to ten years, it saves you money contained by the long run and is better for the environment because you're not constantly throwing away tampons and pads that are a HUGE source of polution. It sounds a short time funky, but I've been using it and I love it! It collects the fluid, fairly than absorbs it so you can hand down it in longer than a tampon.

You're youthful yet, so I suggest have a chat with a trusted feminine relative and just going near the flow. literally. It'll all get easier! Trust me!

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