The Mother-Nature Thing...My menstrual cycle?

I'm 41 in may.Just the past 6 months to a year i've be having problems with my menstrual cycle. It starts pure black and after real heavy, into the 3rd afternoon it will stop for a day, and then the 4th threw the 7th its hard to digest. On the 2nd or 3rd day it will lose the black color. I have key cramps in my leggs,back, stomach..Clots really impossible. I never had this problems b4.Is is because i'm getting older?The menapause item? My right ovary is out due to alot of cysts in and out on it.I haven't had a paps smear contained by 10 years. I have no insurance. Haven't been to a gyn within years also. But this is getting really bad..Besides the aweful pain, my animation level is none. I hate when I hold to work while on it. I usually wear 2 over-nights pads. Has anyone been threw this and can bestow me some advice? I really appreciate it alot!! Thank You Very Much !

Are vegetable grease or vaseline ok to use for sex IF...?

You should go to an OB/GYN solid soon.

Period problems. runny discharge?

My mother is haveing the EXACT same problems. She just turned 45. The doctor told her it was menopause.
It wouldn't hurt to do to the doctor and capture checked out though. 10 years is a long time to go without a pap. Maybe within is a clinic near you that could put you on a sliding scale? Always better safe and sound than sorry.

When be your first time?

to heck with insurance, get your *** to the Dr.

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you should vist a doctor soon.

Vaginal infection?

powerfully, since you haven't been to a gyno in years, that would be step one

without a doubt you are concerned if you brought this to my best advice is to go to the doctor. any number of things could be wrong and you wouldn't know it. or you might be right and in recent times going through menopause. either way, walk see a doctor as soon as possible and get some clear answers. no one here can truly grant you the right answer because we're not doctors. and even if we were, we haven't examined you so we could still be wrong. best of luck to you!

Period back?

First, you should make an appointment beside your doctor of gynecologist just to be safe. I know when my mother be going through menopause she said her period became VERY sweet and she had a lot of clots. At one point she thought she be losing too much blood because her energy level be low too. It sounds like you have some of the similar symptoms she have during menopause. Unfortunately, she said that she just had to nude with the issues until they completely stopped. However, she did go she her doctor.

I know my response didn't really answer your question, but I thought I would share my mom's experience with you.

Need imediate assist please!?

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