My spell?!?

i haven't had my spell since december. i'm a virgin, so it's not because i'm pregnent.

Answers:    I wouldn't worry too much give or take a few it. Things like stress, sleeping and consumption patterns, can disrupt your cycle. Sometimes mine will skip a month or two, if it go on for months and months, I would see your doctor. Otherwise you are probably worried or stressed about something, probably you are eating less- it could be oodles things!
You don't say how prehistoric you are, your body may be trying to regulate itself. Won't be a bad impression to talk to your doctor. damn. my friend have this. i dont know what it is. you should see your doctor. have you tried googling this?
Go to the doctor for issues close to this please, the internet doesn't need to know Dood same here! Except I haven't have mine since the beginning of January.
See your doctor. Probably nil to worry something like. I'm guessing you are on the younger side of life. Things can be to some extent irregular in the outset. Don't worry too much roughly it. Still, check with your doc purely in satchel. My friend had matching problem. It turns out that she just have an irregular period. You should shift to the doctors though to get it checked out.
your probably freshly irregular, if your worried about budge to a o.b.g.y.n and get checked out and gain some birth control (it will make your extent regular) Well, if you are young, it could only be that it is not really regulated yet.

Stress or anorexia can also create a missed period.

Also, some hard-core athletes hold irregular or skipped periods.
you should shift see an OBGYN. they will probably put you on birth control to help regulate your period. i had equal problem...without birth control i will step at least six months minus a period. i like this at first, cause honestly have periods is awful, but i eventually become ill and started have intense pain when i did own a period. i go to the OBGYN and found out i have PCOS and they put me on birth control. i hold felt great ever since. I have that problem too, but I had mine this month so I stopped worrying but surrounded by my anatomy book it says not adjectives women have the 28 days cycle some enjoy like a 4 month cycle and I cogitate that's what I have because my finishing period (other later this month) was within november. it didn't worry me that much, but if it bothers you budge to a doctor. :)
It's not abnormal at adjectives for women to have extraordinary periods. There is a dignified percentage of women that have remarkable periods. Mine did not become totally regular until I started birth control. Then it be like clockwork. It's nil to worry just about. Just keep some pads/tampons beside you all the time or start taking birth control pills to regulate your spell. If you are still young, your time can skip a month sometimes. Even when you are older it can.

You will find it have a mind of its own! Heavy periods, night light periods, skipped months, long period, short periods! Fun...

When you see your doctor, variety sure you ask as many question, and tell him nearly any inconsistencies. Every woman is different and their cycles are unique also.

I wouldn't verbs too much. Give it one more month, and phone your doctor then.

Best to you.
ask your doctor something like it

if you just started, it may be because surrounded by the beginning ur time can be off

some question might be answered here:
Maybe you're just plugged up. Try something resembling a gentle, soft roto-rootering. That happen to me once. When I first started to get it, it stopped for two months. I be so happy, but my mom wasn't. I go to the doctor and they said something about it might be irregular because at hand was no luck I was pregnant (virgin). I guess it happen because my body was regulating because I bring it every month now.
If you're still a young person it could be just your body adjust to the first few years of your cycle. Hormones and stress can do it too. baby u necessitate to shake that body party that bodddyyyy
n dont be aware of sorry

nah if your a virgin that a beautiful things
pure blood

im not a girl so idk

u might be possesed

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