What should I tell my doctor?

I think I may own ADD and I would love to be on ritalin for the weight loss and zest. What should I tell my doctor so she will diagonise me as have ADD

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What are your symptions. Remember that doctors also look for people making up stuff to receive on medicne. Just tell your doctor you are a languorous, fat slob and that you requirement meds for your mental problem.s

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You don't own ADD, stop eating adjectives that sugar and drinking all that cordial!!

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i dont know

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Tell he rexactly what you told me just immediately. that sounds very interlligent.

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lotsa lies

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ritalin isnt like what u construe it is u sit there close to a zombie trust me ive been on it it aint fun

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weight loss and gusto? run! you dont need to be on medication for * resembling that. why? so you can get addicted?

so i want to know your remedy on how to find rid of cramps?

I have never see an over weight ADD human being. Just be honest and tell your doctor you want something to facilitate you lose weight.

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wow thats really sick that you would want to have a diagnosis that general public struggle with so that you can lose some freight.

exercise. eat smaller number, eat better

you should be ashamed of yourself

also thats drugabuse!!

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the truth

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If you don't have ADD afterwards don't make it nouns like you're sick or anything. If you're not truly sick, but want to use ritalin for mass loss purposes then it can be hazardous. Ritalin is used for those who are diagnosed with ADD, NOT for clearly normal and clean people. Ask your doctor for other possible counterbalance loss medication. Don't try to feign that you're sick. It's very treacherous and can cause you your enthusiasm if you take medication carelessly.

2nd Ear Piercing (@ 12yrs old)?

Tell her your symptoms and why you cogitate you might have ADD and consent to her prescribe the best medication for your problem.

Chemical pregnancy ?

you should never fake an infection because you want the pleasure of getting high or lose shipment get some diet pills

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honey, what you put into and do to your body in a minute that isn't natural will entrap up to you when you turn 50! Don't think we're stupid out here, you of late want drugs. get a clue! procure a life! recompense attention to what the rest of the world is doing and going thru. maybe you could find something constructive to do to lend a hand someone else!

Female Question?

tell them your having a knotty time concentrating on normal everyday undertakings..and ADD runs in your loved ones?
that may work

Please as many responses as possible would be appreciated?

Tell him the truth. That you want it to procure buzzed on. He really doesnt care. He's getting salaried anyway

Breast impants?

Ha ha ha weight loss.get-up-and-go. Oh boy. It doesn't work the same on every creature and it will probably ruin your immune system or something if you take drugs you don't really want.even if you DO need it, it could ruin your strength eventually.

Why don't you just run for a jog? That increases your life. A brisk walk would do it too.

Having discharge?

Since you are not a doctor, don't notify him anything other than what you exactly get the impression.

You are taking risk if you mis-guide your doctor just to receive medication for what you think you hold.

If you have other sickness that similar to ADD but not ADD, you don't carry the right treatment. Even worse, what if the medication makes your existing disease worse.

Just tell him what exact how you touch.

help wit a bellyring?

ummm tell her that you reflect you have affix right and then dawdle till she says adjectives the names close to adderall ritalin wait till she ask after be lik ohh i guess ill try ritalin .but i anticipate it makes u really concentrated and u a short time ago sit there lol i whip adderall i have ADD.. to look innocent lol apt luck

Having large breast tight?

it's actually easier to read out you're depressed and ask for Wellbutrin. it does the same item and is way easier to capture a prescription for.

anyone take nystatin for INTESTINAL CANDIASIS? not vaginal.?

tell him you hear loud voice, and they want to to stop all the poeple hurting respectively other. tell him the voice say the just way to stop the associates is to kill them adjectives..

tell this to your doc and you will own MUCH better drugs than ADD ones

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Go and talk to your dr. because ADD can interfere w/ academy, work and success. But, don't know abt cargo problem. Check out the South Beach diet, but ask Dr. first. Also, walk and work out.

Quick interrogate THIS IS SERIOUS?

Ritellin is a serious drug, you will have more problems when you walk off it afterwards with it, its not something like energy it sedate you and you dont think clearly some may argue diffrently but the true self is seriusly deprived, you become a totally diffrent human being, be carful I know. Stay away from it .you have made it it to this point lacking it, you need to goad your mind and will power to become a better person and to own a great body, no medicine you lift can make that work close to excersize can.

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You can loose weightiness other safer ways. Tell your doctor the truth. If you have ADD and can be on ADD medication, great. Problem treated. But if you lounge to your doctor and he/she puts you on medication for something you don't have, it will really fold your system to the point where consignment loss will be the least of your concerns. Being on the wrong medication can even backfire and you could gain weight from it! So think twice and tell your doctor the truth!

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just tell her your God barrier crazy lol

If you got that implanted birth control that get put into your upper arm and you are protected for 2 years..?

You shouldn't take Ritalin only just because you think it will minister to you lose weight.There are alot of side affects including excitability and drug induced psychosis.Wellbutrin isn't a well brought-up idea either(PattiB claims to be a licensed fitness trainer in another answer).Wellbutrin is an antidepressant and have a profound influence on brain chemicals like serotonin.You should lately try to eat right and exercise.Feel right about yourself and diet and exercise will comfort

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