I'm 18 weeks pregnant and suffering from constant headaches?

Can anyone suggest any alternative remedies as don't really want to keep taking paracetamol.


Period and swimming.?

I have a similar problem during my pregnancy. A constant throbbing headache that made me feel similar to a vein be going to bust every time I bent over. I was even sent to enjoy an MRI. I worried that taking so much acetaminophen would harm my little one. Unfortunately, there wasn't much that could be done for it. Mine started during my second trimester and disappeared at the commencing of my third. I hope yours does too.

How do you get rid of a yeast infection?

Go to your midwife or GP and achieve checked over, thats the first thing and secondly darken a room sit surrounded by there near a warm flannel over the forehead and stern of neck might help it, but please go and attain checked out first. Good luck.


you should of had a headache 18 weeks ago,afterwards you wouldnt be in this situation!

What Would Cause Hair to Grow Slowly?

We know what you did! LOL

For the ladies?

i own heard that a t spoon of honey is supposed to work but it have to made locally it seems to work for me

Is my hymen broken?

I have the same problem next to my pregnancies. Firstly, check with your midwife that your blood pressure is ok, as headache can sometimes be a warning sign that its too large. High blood pressure can be an indicator of mild problems, or even pre-eclampsia, which is what I had.

Anyway, alternative therapy, I used to use Lavender Gel or one of those forehead sticks, wipe across your temples and forehead and after something like 5 minutes or so, you'll notice that the headache is going, or gone away. I still use it immediately, they're not expensive and nobody can see that you've put them on. They don't hurt you or babba either!

Another alternative psychotherapy is crystal therapy. In that, you'll entail a clean (as surrounded by washed verbs under a tap) Amethyst smoothed pebble, place contained by the middle of your head and fabrication quietly. Its strange, but you grain your headache being pulled into the stone. Its a proven psychiatric therapy, I should know as I was so impressed and inquisitive, I after that became qualified surrounded by it!! There must be something in it, Nasa send their astronauts up into space near quartz crystal, the same quartz thats surrounded by your watch and computer chips, lacking it they wouldn't work. Apparently the crystals vibrate at a correct rate, quartz vibrates at alike rate as the earth and amethyst is a performance of quartz, just have iron added to make it purple. Only progress with innate ones though, not the blatantly fake ones!!

Hope this help and enjoy your pregnancy!

Hormonal Imbalance?

hi Michelle, have exactly the same problem at the birth of my pregnancy, thankfully at around 20 weeks they started to disappear, i am 35 weeks now and i haven't have any headaches for weeks, i be advised to drink plenty of hose, apart from that i don't know what else to suggest, hopefully they will start to ease soon. anyway congratulations and polite luck

First time haveing sexwhat should i do to her?

Headache is a pain surrounded by the head, scalp or d??colletage.
Headaches can be caused by minor problems
close to eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reason
like pave the way injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have insanitary side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

OK ladies, this is weird..?

please avoid medicines
drink carrot and apple liquid and beatroot.
eat good food.
drink more nearly 3 liter hose down every day.
guzzle less beans.

Is pcos precarious?

you need to carry checked you hav'n't got the first stages of pre eclampsia first, have said that, headaches are adjectives in pregnancy, you want time to relax, destress etc, hormones cause headache, laying down within a dark room, docile music playing will help to relax you

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