My daughter get finds bruises but does overlook hurting herself.
Could it be related to anemia? My mother and I both have trouble beside that. We are wondering about that since several people, when seeing her bruises, enjoy told her she needs more iron.
I also remember seeing something about a genetic condition that runs surrounded by Ashkenazic Jews that can cause this. Her father and I are both Ashkenaz.
Ay suggestions what she should look for? And is bruising related to anemia?
(Yes, she will see a doctor as soon as she can. Right now she is at the deep for another month.)
Answers: Anemia typically causes fatigue. Bruising can also be problems wiith coagulation, which is what someone who bruises easily may be have a problem with.
There are a number of things that can rationale issues with coagulation, either a problem near platelets (known as thrombocytopenia) or problems with the cascade of enzymes that bring roughly speaking the clotting.
The Ashenaz Jewish line does have a couple of bleeding issues attributed to it, most distinctively a disease called Gauchers Disease. Not trying to give you a diagnosis here, lately something you might want to ask about.
I would say that yes, she requests to go to a doctor, and make sure s/he know about her genetic background (i.e., Ashkenazaz).
Best of luck!.
economically i was going to ask if she was young-looking cuz my niece comes home with bruises and we ask where she get it and she's like idk i didn't even know i had one next later she'll say i believe i remember i wacked my arm when i was do this or that. and i recall within my child hood my parents would be like how the heck did you get that bruise and wouldn't remember how i get it.
but since your daughter is 20 i would say that its def anemia. and it makes sense since you and your mother enjoy it. i know that my mom has it and a big bruise will just show up and she won't remember hurting herself. I used to bruise strictly easily as a child, and it always made my father verbs, like when he helped me to whip a bath and saw strangely placed ones.
They weren't really bad, not resembling I'd been hit with a baseball bat or anything, and nought like the one I got when I crashed a motorcycle ultimate year...
Anyway, I had no recollection of how they happened. I realize the Ashkenazi have you worried, (I'm part, too), but it probably shouldn't.
As long as they're not huge and purple, it's probably ok, and she'll likely grow out of it as I did.
Good luck..
She may be anemic that cause bruising easily. How old is your daughter?
Okay, she's 20 so we can probably rule out playground bruises.
Yes, anemia can effect easy bruising but if your daughter is significantly anemic, she's going to also be very fatigued. I would ask her if her period seem regular. Heavier than usual?
It is most likely the hustle and bustle of go. A bump here and there that we don't remember because we're moving along at the speed of light :-) By the time we perceive a bruise, a day or two has gone by. Most of us can't remember what we ate for lunch, permit alone a bump that might have caused a bruise.
In my unprofessional judgment, I'd say there's probably nothing seriously wrong, but tolerate the doctor decide for sure. Best of luck!