Quick question THIS IS SERIOUS?

My boyfriend and I have recentely begin expierementing with anal sex. I really savour it. Is there any trouble to having anal sex, and is it secure for him to ejaculate in me assuming we both own no STD's

Is it common for you to surface tired,washed out and to own no energy a few days in the past your period is due?

There are copious dangers near that sort of practice and it is never a safe point to do. It can lead to hemorrhoids and verbs your bowel control which means that you'll be forced to wear a diaper for the rest of your energy. Studies have shown an increase in rectal cancer for those who rivet in this perversion and it is hugely likely to be against the directive where you live as the crime of sodomy which can never be consented to.. It is risky and unnatural and you are only fooling yourself by thinking that you could in fact enjoy it. No women can soak up it and it might be that your boyfriend has somehow brainwashed you into thinking that you do. I am anyone totally serious with you when I vote that this relationship you are in is precarious and wrong and you should get away from him as efficient and as far as you can.

FOR THE DOCTORS: Ive got the yeast infection only two days ago. what do you think would i do best to cure it?

Well, the risk of pregnancy is extremely low, but there still is a karma. As long as you are both certain you don't enjoy STD's, then it is safe and sound.

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when doing anal sex you should be using a condom and lost of ky.You may not have any stds but that is to say a good instrument to get infection.So near for no its not good to agree to him in you within.I would get a book close to joys of sex or even keep watch on talk sex near sue there are risk near anal sex

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