Period Probs??

Thanx in credit for your help. My spell finished a week ago, and now it's approaching it's starting again. I have other been regular and I am on the pill. I started modern anti-depressants two weeks ago and don't know if that could be it. I'm also in the process of applying for job as my current one is ending and it's be a big coupla weeks.
Any advice would be great.

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condolences. i once have to deal near having three low periods contained by less than 6 weeks. mine be caused by abundantly of stress in my personal natural life (yes, i was also on antidepressants for a while, and they can mess beside you too).

stress and life shift can definitely mess near your system. i would say, so far, not to verbs too much about the double length. however, if you have any other issues (bad headache, dizziness, excessive pain), i would definitely hope out a doctor to see what's up.

make sure to drink plenty of sea (or juice, tea, whatever), and honourable luck with the assignment thing!

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The pill is precarious and unnatural, so anything could happen!

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you should see your doctor, i started doing that and have to go stale birth control, it was messing me up

WHY IS EVERYTHING a conceivably ? today.''?

try to be normal

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it probably is due to stress or maybe the medication contact your doctor to find out for sure

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You should consult a doctor. And don't over stress yourself. Sometimes it happen because of stress.

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i think you should turn to your doctor immediately.

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See your doctor. I doubt the antiD's are whats cause it though...unless the two dont mix.
Both can have unpromising side effects.

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If you're on the pill your period should be regulated by the sugar tablets - ie if you're not on the sugar you shouldn't have your extent.

From the information that you have given me i would speak the anti-depressents (particularly if there's hormones im consequently that would affect the pill and vice-versa)

But stress shouldn't affect your cycle if you're on the pill...

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If you are taking anti-depressants that will effect your periods, I asked my Dr going on for it and he said that anti-depressants cause irregular period, and stressed can induced the periods as very well. I would look up the anti meds and see what the side effects are.

Just started birth control and..?

That's definately not normal. Probably zilch horrible, though. I would just hail as your gynocologist in the morning and speak next to the nurse. If it's anything to be concerned about they will see you. It could thoroughly well be adjectives the stress you are dealing with immediately though. I would still call within the AM anyways.

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The first thing that comes to mind is stress. Stress can do your periods to do any number of chance things ie early, unpaid, heaver, lighter.
It mights be a drug interaction, so I would go chat to a pharmacist ASAP, as it might be doing other point you are not aware of, even stopping the pill from working, which could cause the precipitate period.
Also did you capture diarrhea or vomiting within 3-4 hours of taking the pill or enjoy you taken anti biotics as these thing stop it from working properly.
So travel ask about the possible drug interaction and I would support seeing a doc ASAP

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Both stress and anti-depressant might be making your period irregular. Maybe you need to see the doctor to find out what's up.
also, as expected, try to relax a little if you enjoy been beneath pressure.

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