Panic attacks???????

yesterday out of no where i had what the doctor and my mom think was a panick attack. I was at the vet and i didn't have a feeling to normal, it's hard to describe, i didn't touch sick or anything just not myself, then surrounded by the vet office there be flickering lights, and for some reason i couldn't handle it and I have to wait in the waiting nouns.(there was nothing wrong near my dog, so that wasn't a concern, she was just in attendance for a chekc up) then all of the sudden i started to shake and verbs and cry out of my control. i was totally aware, but i couldn't control worrying about nought or shaking. It lasted about 15-20 minutes. does it specifically sound like a panick attack? What are some possible cause of this happening? The doctor wasn't helpful too much, she said if it happen again see a neurologist, but sometimes i do worry over nothing at adjectives but never that bad. Have you had a panick attack? Is at hand anything i can do to prevent this from happening again?
There are no other stressful events in my existence that i can think of, im not mad at anyone, i travel to gymnastics 3x a week but it's not stressful b/c were not in competiton season on the other hand, im enjoying my summer, everythings going pretty good

Answers:    Anxiety and hysterics attacks consist of uncontrollable worry or fright. You are worried over the littlest thing or worried about things you typically wouldn't be upset about. Your heart starts racing, you can touch sweaty, or feel faint. You may perceive feverish too. You may feel a sense of impending doom or an intense alarm something terrible is going to happen or that you are going to die.
The article with anxiety/panic is a lot of times you know you shouldn't be so upset or so worried but you have absolutely no control over it. Sometimes these attacks surface for no reason or something triggers it. Did you lose a pet recently or own a bad experience at the vet? Is your pet sick? Something like that could set past its sell-by date an anxiety attack.
Sometimes these attacks are event related. Other times it is caused by a chemical imbalance surrounded by the brain. Therapy or medications can help.
I would see if it happen again. If it starts to happen a lot communicate to your doctor. I have had an anxiety disorder my intact life. Anxiety attacks are not fun and they take closely out of you. You can manage them though with positive thinking and keeping yourself busy. That's what I do at tiniest since I prefer not taking medication.

BTW your hormones can influence your anxiety level and nerves especially around the time of your period..
There are so masses people worldwide that have like peas in a pod problem. Please do not feel like you are alone. Several years ago I also suffered from nouns attacks. There is hope that your panic attacks will stop completely, with proper medical protection.At least learning how to contract with them helps. Check out my Squidoo Lens on Panic Disorder. Hi, I am the author of

Do not verbs, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or inhabitants whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you enjoy anxiety.
Please do visit and post any questions nearby or here so that I can help you further.

I have be a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to oblige. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have freshly made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

I started out taking prozac 20mg day by day.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am purely taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication sour my life.
And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feel to have anxiety or panic attacks.

I own just posted a new entry and uploaded some pious files for you to do some relaxation, and there are techniques to overcalm in half a shake!

All the best,

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