How long after a miscarriage do you start your period?

My husband and I want to start trying for another baby ASAP. I have a miscarriage on Feburary 27, and stopped bleeding on March 8.

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I in truth had a extent before i found out the infant had died!

That be scary - at my 10 week drs appt, i started to bleed at the drs - the little one was "fine" - the dr told me that near everything i had described to her and after seeing the ultrasound that my body realize the baby be no longer 'thriving' and went on its merry road of living. The baby stopped growing at 6 weeks and the heart stopped somewhere around 8. The little one never self-aborted and I had to own a D&C last week.

Good luck to you!!

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I have a miscarriage 8 months ago and got my period 4 weeks later. So mine go back to average straight away. I got told they should start up anywhere from 2 weeks after to 8 weeks. If they haven't started 8 weeks after that then I would go
put money on to your doctor. I'm sorry for your loss and I wish you adjectives the best in the adjectives.

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