can having an orgasm increase your breast size?


The skin on my thighs/quads, etc is loose due to not much elasticity and stretch marks from growing high so

No, honey. If that was the grip, no one would buy breast implant.

A Question [just for weman] men can answer too?

I don't know, but if you want to experiment & find out I'm willing to facilitate as I'd like to return with this question answered as economically.

Does anyone know what this problem is?

i dont know, but i will keep trying anyway!

What should be the run of the mill bone density reading for a female age 55 near weight 128 lb.?

never hear that!

but goood luck trying anyway! :)

My girlfriend startedher birth control pill1 day slowly, (this happened a week ago) what should she do?

nops but your breast size can increase someone elses orgasm

How do I buy a vibrator/Dildo? Am I allowed to?

No but it would probably increase my penis size, Lets see

Are ovarian cysts harmful?

lol one of the strangest questions surrounded by a while, but good luck beside that anyways.

Why do I hurt during sex still??

if that were true Id enjoy breasts the size of watermelons! LOL LOL! wish it be though!

Should spotting instead of having an actual menstrual length be alarming? I had a tubal 3 years ago.?

no, climaxing would not increase or lessen your physical attributes. if it did, some guy out there would find a mode to increase his penis size, which to this day does not exist.

Yeast Infections?

Maybe for the moment- when we own an orgasm, our breasts swell a little bit, but naught too noticeable. It's basically blood flow and muscles and nerves being stimulated but it won't be irretrievable. Nice try though.

Can pregnancy make you sick similar to this make or own i gotten a virus somewhere?

Temporarily while your breathing heavy and hurried.

What can i do if i think a family circle member have a eating disorder?

nope it sure doesn't..the single things that make your boobs grow are puberty, getting pregnant, hormonal pills, and implant

What is your opinion on abortion? Serious answers please.?

There enjoy been 7 studies over the later 15 years on how orgasm effect breast size. All 7 of them found that if you orgasm once a day your breast size will not increase any sufficient size to interest. If woman were to orgasm three times a hours of daylight there be not a size change. The finding be similar when a woman orgasm ed once a month. So orgasmic women were more relaxed and have less headache. Their blood pressure decreased and they become all around well again but the breasts size did not increase. Sorry to say.

When your time of year is coming is true that u tend to weigh more like 1 kg or so?

No nouns between rthe two. The more massaging the breats sometimes accurate .

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