Are clots normal beside a heavy term during the 1st three days?

I get deeply bad cramps and beefy bleeding and big clots the 1st three days of my period. Is that majority and has anyone else ever have this? I don't take the pill and I never have a child. The bad cramps, beefy bleeding and clots happen every month. Please comfort!


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It is apparently normal for you. Check beside your OB-GYN, you may need a D&C. Before my hysterectomy, I too have clotting and painful period. I had endometriosis. You might benefit from medical intervention. Good luck.

NeEdInG HeLp!!?

I enjoy always have clots when my period be heavy. They are usually just about the size of a dime, but sometimes bigger. Do tell you obgyn. I surmise it is normal, or at lowest possible it was for me, my sister, and my mom.

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yes i come up with it happens to anyone, and my mom is a nurse and she said to be obliged that the blood clots come out because if they did not, you could have a stroke or heart attack.

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Totally common!
They are actually not clots they are parts of the inside layer breaking off of your uterus and individual expelled! If you want a lighter flow take a midol and ibuprofen! And if it's really impossible you may want to consider the pill just to alleviate the load!

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yeah its mundane as long as they aren't too large...uggh they're gross aren't they?

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Yep totally average i get this too aswel as most women so dont verbs everything is working normal x

Did you hold any alcohol intake?

i use to have lashing bleeding and clots for the first 3 days. when i went on the pill the flow get lighter and not so many clots.

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Raspberry Leaf tea will strengthen the uterus and reproductive organ functions. You extent flow will be light to moderate and usually will be over within 5 days.
This is normal during teen years or impulsive twenty's or until childbirth usually, but the raspberry can fix it.
You can purchase raspberry leaf tea contained by the grocery isle were the coffee and teas are sold or purchase it fresh at or from vigour food stores in your are, probably Whole foods.

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clot are not majority for any reson, however every girl has experienced them. but if it happen more than twice, you need to find checked. it could be endreometreious. (SPELL)which is where the facing of the uterest (SPELL)builds up over them due to too many hormones contained by the body. this can be helped by taking the PILL ... I DID.

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Some clots are average during periods but if you appear to have abundantly of the m you should tell you gyn. It usually isn't anything to verbs about but it is other a good view to tell your Dr. so it can be charted and care for if needed.

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