What can i do if i think a family member has a eating disorder?

my cousin is 17 andis 5'0 and the last time i saw her within august she weighed 85 lbs. after she eat she goes tot he bathroom forthwith for long periods of time. so i be jsut curious what i should do. i dont think she looks stout. ang im afraid to talk to her almost it.help!

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Speak to her parents and also your parents. You will never "catch her within the act". I speak from experience. The first clue (which you caught) was the reality that she is at a low weight and go to the bathroom immediately after intake. She is probably binging and purging and No she will never fess up to it. Arm yourself with some literature from the library, from the internet, or from any drinking disorder clinics who will send you something. Once you natter to her parents, then distribute them the literature.

Eating disorders can be life threatening. At 5'4" I go down to 88 lbs before I realize I needed help. They CANNOT do it alone no event what they say.

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I know someone 4 ft 11 that weigh 85 so I wouldn't worry more or less it unless there are indisputable hard signs. But consequently again if you have an inclination, it can individual help the situation. Try bringing it up indifferently and see what her thoughts on it are.

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You REALLY need to agree to her, or her parents. Or even your own parents. Eating disorders SHOULD NOT be taken lightly. They can and enjoy killed citizens, and don't think that your cousin will be an acception.
Good luck!

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Tell a parent. here situation, you will not be a tattle tale. she requests help, and like lightning. this condition might take her natural life if she is not careful. do your parents know? do her parents know?? you have need of to help her out by recounting an adult you can trust.

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My niece was bulimic when she be in dignified school. When she get down to 80lbs, she was have trouble functioning. I talked to my sister nearly it, but she denied it. My niece denied it for a long time until a teacher confronted her.

My suggestion is to first turn to her mom, then confront her. Try to ensnare her in the work. She'll deny it, but you have to do something to win her attention.

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the best piece to do is to talk to her family connections about it, and product sure that they are aware of your concerns. They probably already know of the problem, and unless they are in denial they are already trying to do something almost it. There are many places that treat drinking disorders, but it is really up to her immediate people to solve the problem. So perhaps settle to her mom or dad, brother or sister etc if possible. Im not sure if its honourable to approach your cousin yet; it depends on how close you two are. Sometimes discussion directly to the person around the disorder can make the situation worse.

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seriously you need to grow up and realize that your dealing near a life and destruction situation! confront her and tell her to devour a whole connote in front of you and dont tolerate her go to the bathroom after! also give an account your parents and her parents AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! i am 17 5'2 and i weigh 111.3 and for my age that is low but on top form! she needs serious give a hand!

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