Question about After Sex. Kinda Personal?

Ok here. I really need facilitate.
I had sex later night next to my boyfried, and we used a different kind of condom afterwards we usually do. Last night we used the ribbed condoms. Well very soon this morning my stomach hurts kinda bad, close to it feels similar to i have a stomach sting but a bit worse, feels resembling im getting my period almost (but im unquestionably NOT). I dont know what it is and it is really bothering me.


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Hey Kel,
I unloved some of the answers I read so I had to come on and contribute you my 2 cents worth :)
Is it discomfort or pain you are dealing beside? There is a big difference. If it's discomfort, yes, you might be allergic to something in the new condoms you used. If it is discomfort, it may have other reason and just be coincidental that you own this pain immediately. Either way, it it persist, please go see your OB/GYN or even loved ones practitioner. Stomach cramps in babyish ladies should always be taken seriously. Don't play around beside it. For the time being, do not whip baths or use douches. Rather shower and wash up the vaginal nouns. Douches can aggrivate a possible infection. And tonight, tell him no. I know, it's intricate to resist sometimes :) but if he cares, he'll have a handle on. Like I said, you could be dealing with an infection or possible ovarian cyst. Even if it go away, I'd tell your doc roughly it. Sometimes it's enough if you can only call and yak to a nurse at the office. Hope you surface better and it turns out to be a simple solution. MsB.

What is this feeling? Please facilitate?

maybe you're allergic, or it just irritated your 'you know what' because your unfamiliar to that kind. or conceivably youre that 2% that get pregnant...but i doubt that. if it still hurts tomorrow, jump see your doc.

Is it normal that the coil hurts?

Well from personal experiance neither my girlfriend or i like the ribbed for her pleasure. It very resourcefully could be the type of lube they used on the condom is what is causing you the problem or if it have a sperm killer on it instead.. I would say aloud not to use that type of condoms again and stick to ones you know work.

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Each condom enjoy different texture on them so you might be allergic to the "ribbed kind" just dont use that loving okay!

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I get other get cramps the hours of daylight after sex; your muscles are being used contained by different ways. It's just my sign of a really dutiful time the night back ;)

Having Trouble With boyfriend.(sex)?

OK, calm down. You aren't allergic, not next to those symptoms. You would see an allergic reaction, swelling, itchy, reddishness...etc. Let me put it like this, a woman's vagina is merely so long. If the penetrating goal is longer than the inside of your vagina.. then your going to hold some muscle soreness. This sounds like cramping form sore muscles and your uterus is a muscle. Take some ibuprofen and if it doesn't discern better tomorrow, call your doctor and report to them.

What is mean by pyar?

It's probably the ribbed condom. I can`t bear those things. It may have irritated some slice of your vagina and gave you cramps. It might of tore something also. It should dance away in a sunshine or two.

Serious answers only !! Missing menstrual cycle, not pregnant?

He may enjoy gotten caught up surrounded by the moment and was too rough.If it doesn't walk away you may need to phone up the Dr. and see what he says.Tell him to slow down and wallow in the moment.After all you enjoy a life time to soak up it.Did you?

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