Women only please (unless u are a doc or something)?

I had sex the other hours of daylight with my boyfriend whom i own been next to for 2 years and for some reason I have blood (not red just resembling real pale pink blood) when I went to the restroom after. I am not due to start until the 17 or 18 and that be on the 8th. Anyone have any concept why that would have happen?

I have be having sex for years to it have nothing to do near that.

My last time was 20 feb & have brown to red spotting from 12-17 march, have sex on 17th march.?

It shouldn't be anything to verbs about. I believe they hail as it micro tear contained by your vaginal tissue. Due to hormone levels our tissue can conveyance all the time. It could also be slice of your menstrual cycle and a little discharge. Have it checked out if your worried or give the name your OB's office and speak to a nurse

Is anal sex fruitless 4 u? and if so how? do you find it nasty?

You may enjoy been basically dry, which might explain it. If there be no pain and it stops I wouldn't stress.

Please answer?

Even if you've be having sex for years, you still could hold torn a bit of skin. Too much friction can do that. It happens sometimes; don't verbs, you're fine!

Any ideas on how 2 win an orgasm as quick as possible, i've be havin trouble with this lately, takin 2 long

If you're not using a hormonal contraceptive, this could own been ovulation spotting. It's pretty middle-of-the-road.

If you do use contraceptives, then it might own been that he tore you a bit (rough sex or an odd position are adjectives causes). Or a little bit of friction might hold caused this as very well...you might not have be lubricated well adequate. It happens to everyone at some time or another. Nothing to verbs about.

If it happen repeatedly, I would say stir to your doctor and get checked out.

Why do you find munchies right before your interval begins?

Tell you boyfriend quit mortal rough with you. You can bring your self to have tears when have rough sex.

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