My stomach rumbles, even when i am not hungry?

it makes me fundamentally self concious and i am not even hungry! it will be at random times of the morning. whats up with me? gratefulness.

Any means to prevent pregnancy after intercourse approaching pills or sthg and when should they be taken?

You're digesting. Everyone does it! It's not just you, so don't be too concerned. I hear taking an antacid (like tums) will slim down it because it neutralizes the digesting acids, but in attendance's really not much to do about it.

About Girl Periods?

have proper sex

Why is it my dr won't remove my ovaries minus a medical reason, but they will execute abortions?


Medical Answer?

maybe you are not feeding it plenty?
can be your digestion check with your doc

Help i really entail some one to talk and bequeath advice what should i do.?

maybe stomach hurt

Do i weigh too much PLEASE HELP I NEED TO KNOW???

this is true story -

one time i was getting a squeeze (a friend paid for it as a bithday present), Icould not abet noticing (ie hearing) that the masseu's stomach kep rumbling and getting louder and louder.

I feel bad and suggestd that she steal a break to eat some lunch if she looked-for too.

she explained that its just an gusto tranfer (kind of like burping a dampen bed) and that she is sensative to energies around her and her stomach acts as an amplifer.

it might be sign that you enjoy 'healing hand' and might consider one of the health and wellnness professions.

my daughter requests surgery to hace cists remeoved, she has no insurance.Who can I turn to for relief.?

oh no!!. thats horrible!!. i would get a stomach transplant if i be you!!

What's wrong with me?

a relatively void stomach will secrete tenth middle-of-the-road hydrochloric acid customarily, which causes increased motility of the stomach.ergo the rumbling you quality and others may sometimes hear.peristalsis is normal, you do not necessarily own to consciously feel hungry. At equal time, when food is in the stomach, peristalsis will ensue to propel it into the duodenum and from there into the sizeable intestine as part of the digestive process.this movement is physical..and food that have been reduced by stomach tart to chyme makes "grumbling" noise sometimes. nothing deviant about it. if you observe it at a particular time of sunshine and it is convenient for you to do so, eat a soda cracker or two.or filch an antacid pill.either should relief.

Make my wife happy?

its call Borborygmi:rumbling sounds caused by gas moving through the intestines, These rumbling sounds are a everyday part of digestion. They are generate from muscular activity within the stimach and small intestine as the food, gas, and fluids are mixed together and pushed through the intestine. This squeezing of the muscular walls is called peristalsis. Many society associate these sounds with hunger because they are louder and resound more when the intestine is empty. Yum! lol

datin direction for me plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

Oh, that means you own to drink YAKULT. Or maybe, you hold ulcers. It make the stomach gaseous. Also, carbonated drinks is not allowed. Also, do not munch through candies and do not mix your coffee with sugar.

Do you resembling to wrestel with ur dog?

Take the Homeopathic Remedy CARBO VEG 30C thrice a hours of daylight half hour past meals it will cure your rumbling tummy and craft you feel completely good. No side effects or complications.
Take Care and God Bless !

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