Please lend a hand! Vagina smells fungal?

The odor is very weird to me. It smells kinda sweet, but also resembling feet. It has given this smell on and stale for many years.

About a week ago I had experienced some itching whenever discharge would take place but it wasn't very strong. Eventually it seemed to walk away on its own. The discharge itself is normal otherwise.

What could be the cause of this? I own one tablet of fluconazole left over from when I had thrush. Should I embezzle it? I'm just guessing that signs are pointing more to yeast than bacteria since that attributes a fishy smell and its not fishy at adjectives.

Also, it's very certain that it's not STD related.

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One tablet of fluconazole won't work if it's fungal. A fungal infection requirements sustained treatment for at least two weeks.

If it has smelled like way for many years, that might be your inborn smell. The scent usually changes a bit at different points in a woman's cycle, but it's reasonably individual.

A little bit of itching also doesn't suggest a fungal infection to me. Fungal infections are usually accompanied by horrendous awful itching that you can't ignore.

And a bacterial infection is usually accompany by a smell that's quite rancid. Fishy doesn't cover it - it's more like fish that's be left out in a heat up room for a week.

I'm wondering if it's related to something you're eating or drinking. I'm guessing wildly here, but possibly cutting down on dairy and drinking more water (or cranberry juice) might work.

And consequently there's always the possibility of asking your doctor... It might be a bit embarrassing but if there's something wrong it can usually be treated.

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Sounds resembling a yeast infection.
Take the fluconazole, and it should clear it up. (thursh is the same thing as a yeast infection, although it can appear on any sector of your body).

If you're itchy, you can buy some canesten cream over-the-counter and use it until it clears up.

Also, get some yogurt with probiotics and acidophilus/lactophilus. That'll restore the 'good' germs in your system and make you smaller number prone to those infections.

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Sometimes you can discharge when you're ready for sex. You may not be but down there it's friendly for business, your inverted smile is just trying to tell you to travel have some fun. 69
Maybe showering better might help.

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Take the medication you own, if its not cleared up then go and see your practice nurse at your GP

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Go to a Dr

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