Could i GET Pregnant? [[READ DETAILS]]?

i was just wondering.
im 14 and i merely started my period
if when my period be done ((in about 4-5 more days))
and i had unprotected sex and later my period
comes late does that propose i could be pregnant?


Answers:    ANY time you have sex -- with or minus contraception -- you risk pregnancy. This is why CHILDREN should not be having sex. Are you ready to own a baby and raise it????

The simply method of contraception that is 100% effective is economy. So until you're ready to be a mommy and raise that infant, do not have sex..
Yes you can. Just because most women cycle on a 28 day cycle next to ovulation on or around day 14, there is a skylight of time prior to and after ovulation in which the chance of getting pregnant exists. That human being said, you don't know which day you ovulate so theoretically, have unprotected sex on day 6-7 could be the beginning of your "fertile" time. Furthermore, you run the risk of exposure to STD's. I strongly urge you to variety an appointment with either your pediatrician, or except possible, a Planned Parenthood office to be tested for pregnancy, STD's as well as gain comprehension about protection. if your period come even if it was late probability are you aren't pregnant. If your period hasn't come yet you could be pregnant, step out and buy a test from the pharmacy. You need to grasp educated on how to protect yourself. If you decided to become sexually stirring at 14 that's your choice, but if you have a baby that young at heart you will mess up your life and bring a child into the mess-which isn't fair to that child. Go to planned motherliness, your health teacher or your parents revise how to protect yourself, get on the pill and use condoms 100% of the time. They are the only item that will protect from pregnancy and STDs. .
Yes you could get pregnant. Having a period funds you have ovulated. Your uterus builds a lining to capture ready for a baby, and when you don't procure preggers, it sheds this lining, resulting in your term. But sometimes you miss a period for no good object, especially when your younger. Unprotected sex is just stupid, because you could get an STD!! So don't do it anyway. yup usually the first sign of pregnancy is missed period...u can still have periods and still be pregnant..but have unprotected sex will definitely put u at risk of pregnancy.
you can get pregnant ANY time you hold sex unprotected...regardless of if you're on birth control or not.

plus you're shouldn't be having sex yet..
hmm possibly you shouldn't be having sex yet... but yea you can seize pregnant everytime you have unprotected sex, no matter when or how long it last yes your at a risk always of getting pregnant if you contribute in unprotected sex! our with the sole purpose a little girl, wait for a while!.
Yep! You could hold a baby!

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