I missed my length for over 10 months?!?

Not pregnant lol. So don't post any answers that have "Lulz ur are pregnantz" If I was, the kid would have already been born and I would own had a bump. I'm too young to stop my menstrual cycle (age:15). Pretty sure it's not cancer. Never have sex or shared a needle so it can't be an STD. Anybody know what's wrong with me? All silly answers will be overlooked.


Vagina Question?

if you lost a lot of weight just now it could be due to that.
however, that isn't a good thing (to lose your interval because of weight loss)

you should probably talk to your doctor something like that.
i don't think 10 months is really normal.

I enjoy my time?

Go see a doctor - this is an impossible request for information to answer because the doctor can do tests. Have you suddently gained like mad of weight or lost a lot of freight? Change in your weight can affect your menstrual cycle.

Your doctor will know how to do an internal examination or an ultrasound scan to determine whether you have POS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which are little cysts on your ovaries which irregulates your period.

How old were you when you first started your period? Where they always irregular?

The only guidance I can give you is to go and see your local doctor.

Take assistance.

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What age did you first start your period? It usually takes a pious two years before your periods start to achieve somewhat on a normal schedule. 10 months is an awfully long time to not hold had your period within. The most common causes are if you are importantly Athletic, Stressed, Dieting, or Malnourished. If you are still worried, go see your Gynecologist and he/she will put you on birth control pills to regulate your periods. But it is nil to worry about unless this continues longer than a year.

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Well Not have a period for 10 months and your not on birth control, not pregnant, never had sex. I would definitly recomend going to a gyno because something is wrong im not clich?? that to scare you but i would definitly go return with checked out asap! Its not normal at the age 15 to stop having a menstral spell. Hope this help good luck Honey!

PMT (PMS) request for information for the women?

Sometimes this happen do to hormone in-balance, you need to go see a gynecologist. She\he will run blood question paper take your family history, and conceivably put you on birth control pills they can sometimes regulate your period. You have to see a Doctor, it's not obedient to miss so many periods. God bless you and well-mannered luck you will be fine. But you have to see a Doctor, OK.

It burns during and after sex and sometimes after I pee.?

was that the first time you have your period? If so it can be pretty irregular. If not, have you lost alot of counterbalance or are you overly super active? both of which will cause you to stop. Check it out near your mom or another adult you trust and definately your doctor.

Why am I losing my sexual desire?

Um maybe if u lately got it it will be akward && skip

this is happening 2 me dont verbs but it's probably just some-

thing wrong near ur menstrual cycle if u r worried u should tell

ur mom && get checked (a) doctors their prob gonna voice it's


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you could simply be stressing, plus you're really young so its still irregular, i miss mine from time to time and i'm 19 and hold been having it since i be 10 and i am still irregular, so chill, it will come when it is time, be glad!

My length hasnt come?

Wait it out.

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