Im youthful but i conjecture i might enjoy breast cancer?

well, im 14 and i think my chest is harder next its suppose to be!!
i've touched my breast but i dont feel bumps but just somethin surrounded by the middle!!
are teenage breast suppose to be really soft or im i okay??
plz, dont make dumb comments or anything!!
im serious!!

Tampon ask?

when i be younger my boobs began to grow by starting with a globe in the middle, inside like right losing the nipple...and it eventually grew and became the whole friend have the same thing as me too, so i believe its average..just the ducts and glands and everything in at hand forming.

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Teenagers tend to have odd breasts. Remember, cancer is usually cause by exposure to carcinogens over a long period of time, which is why it is rare surrounded by younger people. If you are worried go to the doctor, you might enjoy something else that needs treatment, but breast cancer is very unlikely.

Getting on the pill??

Ok, relax. You're fine. Breasts aren't adjectives "squishy" like you would think. There is what feel like a "lump" on the inside of each breast. what you're probably reaction is the atatomy iside of the breast growing (what will someday produce milk)

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Hello, I'm 14 too, and don't worry! Breast cancer is EXTREMELY rare contained by teenagers, and it is not unusual to find the odd bump etc. As we are not adults yet.You will be fine honestly. Just hold an eye on it for a while. Don't worry yourself too much. It is common that population find small things and make a bigger deal because it worries them.

Hannah x (:

p.s/ If you are on/near to your term etc. There does tend to be small lumps at times. Nothing to worry about at adjectives. Good luck ;)

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well its probably very unlikely that you own breast cancer...but everyone's boobs are different.make sure you know how to give yourself a proper breast exam respectively month...the best time to do it is right after your period.and if you suspect anything not normal, give an account your mom and she will more than likely take you to the doctor...

self breast exam:

Does the iud label you gain substance?

no re!... at most its an infection. im infantile and had an infection too as well as nerver problem. jump to the doc and do a scan - ultrasound

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There is loads of stuff inside our breasts. You may be feeling the milk ducts or something.

Question roughly speaking the Morning after Pill.?

i am almost certain you dont own becuase of age ,but if you are truly worried go see a doc and check it out

Im worrying. please sustain!?

you don't have cancer

Am i loose? a whore?

it sounds close to your sternum ~ wouldnt hurt to go to a doctor

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you cant feel a entry so yer titties r ok

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When will I start to bring back breasts?? ANSWER PLEASE?
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