Why do women working together seem to have there menstrual cycle around the same time?

Not to gross anyone out,but I've notice that when working around alot of women my cycle verys and sometime go off the chart of what I own plan.I'v even heard converstion from other women who enjoy experice the same item.What with this?


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It's call menstrual synchrony. Synchronous menstruation was first described surrounded by 1971 by researchers McClintock and Stern. It is a proven occurrence, borne out by superfluous studies. Though they are still unclear as to exactly why it occur, the most widely accepted premise is that it is due to pheromones. Others think it's due to some evolutionary carry-over from prehistoric times, when it be common for men to thieve multiple mates to ensure the survival of the species, but the pheremone idea makes more sense.

McClintock, M. K. (2000). Human pheromones: primers, releasers, signalers or modulators? In K. Wallen and J. Schneider (Eds.), Reproduction in Context: Social and Environmental Influences on Reproductive Physiology and Behavior. MIT Press. Pp. 355-420.
McClintock, M. K. (1998). Whither menstrual synchrony? Annual Review of Sexual Research, 9, 77-95.

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Good question!! I've hear of this happening earlier but no one seem to have the answer.

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Yes, this is undeniably right, but I forget why. Amazing when you think roughly it.

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Yes this happens to me, when I live beside my mum we are totally in sync.

Ive read that its a entity from back within the cavemen days, women living together would ovulate at the same time to compete for the men. Another perception is so all the women could become pregnant at indistinguishable time, from all the men, instead of in recent times one man impregating them all.

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the more your arround other woman the more adjectives it is to have your extent at the same time. only just like if a woman is pregnat and you swing out alot you may end up pregnat too it's a grotesque woman thing

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I venerate your question and I own often asked myself one and the same. While I was within high college and college I was enormously often irregular - but when I get into the work world - and found 'friends' that I hung out with almost each day -lunch, dinners, movies, etc - I found that my cycle returned and would coordinate with theirs. Of the four - two of us would other be the same. I have forgotten about it over the years, but your press is making me want to research the reason for this. I own no idea, but I would love to hear responses.

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