Getting your tubes tied?

I am 32 and I have 2 children ( 5 & 2)
Huuby and I own decided that we are done have kids and I am planning on getting my tubes tied. I was simply looking for some info about the hospital stay and the surgery and afterwards.


Would you mind have a family bough as your nurse?

My mom had her tubes tied after she have me and it didn't affect her periods one bit.

One entity that you might want to discuss with your doctor instead of the medical procedure is a tentative implant to be exact places in your falopian tubes. You stay on Birth Control for 3 more months after the implant are placed so that they have time to build up the required scar tissue to close rotten the tubes. This is definitely irreversible but it can be done on more of an outpatient argument.

How much does it cost to get vaginal cosmetic?

i dont know much almost it but my aunt had it done and she have extremely bad period. it is REALLY heavy and she have cramps so bad she have to take past its sell-by date work and go to bed

Period problems please support?

I am sure it is something that you don't have to stay overnight contained by a hospital to do. At 32 I think you should lurk a couple of years though. it is almost irreversible.

Does anyone know how to gid rid of stretch marks in need surgery?

I had it done along beside an endometrial ablation (due to excessive bleeding during my periods) at the same time. It be done at the hospital as an out-patient. I had it done and go home later that afternoon. The procedure is done beneath a general anesthetic and take less than 1/2 hour. Pain be not a big issue and the next year I got up and go and got my spine cut. No scar - the incision is a couple stitches in your belly button. Not a big do business.

Even easier recovery for your husband though. I be the one to have it done just because I was have another procedure at the same time.

Why is my fuzz falling out soo much?

My sister stayed a St Mary's Hospital in Sacramento and got treated approaching crap! The catoloic don't believe in birthcontrol to that extent. How she completed up getting the procedure there, I'm not sure, but move about to a non-religious type hospital.
2 days later she go for a walk on the sand with me and the dogs. she was
slow, but kept up. Her lone scars be two 1 inch inscisions above her pubic hair rank which you cannot see today, even when she gets wax. Surgery performed 11/07/2001
moral luck !!

Does anyone else feel sick when on your term?

I was planned to get my tubes tied this month, but i did rather research and found out about "post tubal ligation syndrome." You've get to read these women's stories. My doctor certainly did NOT enlighten me about PTLS.

And women who enjoy tubal ligation are more likey to need a full hysterectomy!

Long story hubby's getting a vasactomy.

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