birth control pills?

i have recnetly starting taking birth control pills to regulate my term. since i dont know when my period ever is , i couldnt start birth control the passageway it is directed to. iw as just wondering if anyone know or has information on how long it will appropriate for the BC to become completely effective, i expect with prevent pregnacy also.

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I would definately give it a month and also support it near another method ie (seatbelt girl). I used to use Mycrogynon which was the 21 year one had the smallest side effects. The weight gain is a myth . near are so many around at the moment so its difficult to say as you will necessitate to have a time of year in between the months of taking the pill for your 7 time break . good luck

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One month. I know. I took birth control pills for more than ten years......

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2-3 months. purely be ready to be REALLY out of cycle for a while

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At l-e-a-s-t 3 months!!

<girls> i own an itty bitty little problem that needs solving prompt [please]?

3 months

Starting birth control pills?

about 3 months just to be safe and sound

Anyone ever tried??

you should read the insert on the inside of the will report to you how long you should use other protection in conjunction next to the pill. Most are about a month.

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you should be definatly covered beside in 48 hours ,it dont embezzle long to get surrounded by the system

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You should really phone call your doctor and discuss this with him/her

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Umm-did the dr describe you when to start your pills? Most are the sunday after you start your period-sometimes you start them on the 1st day of your period but the 1st one is easier- As for preventing prego-ness, you are supposed to wait 1 full month after starting your extent for it to be effective. Your DR should own given you all this info!

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I dont know bout that but i sure want that for me cuz my cycles are f** up

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i would think it would be pretty decisive after 2 to 3 months but that is if u r taken the pill correctly that is to say same time of the day everyday

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These are things you should have asked your know? The one that give them to you? He has adjectives the answers youre looking for..Plus, instructions came next to the pills.

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uusually if your period aren't regular it is usually recommended to begin taking your B.C pills on Sunday. (or any day really). You should linger at least 2 weeks for the pills to prevent a pregnancy (according to my birth control insert) but I would skulk an entire month. just use a backup method until consequently.

Period two months late and check is negative.?

You be store after 48 hours

Is it bad to skip your spell a couple of months?

one month for pregnancy. your period may whip a little longer to regulate, possibly 2 months. but i think you will really close to the pill.

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Whenever you start taking birth control pills it always throws your time off.. if you pilfer your pills regularly your pills will tell you when you will go and get your period. When you catch to the last seven pills (its usually a different color resembling pink or green. sometimes they call them sugar pills) that's when you start your interval.. it may come one or two days late, similar to i said it throws its off a lil. Like mine, I start my pills on a wed, so when i go and get to my last seven pills, my extent will come on a Fri or sat. I hope that will support you out. : )

My daughter was diagnosed 4 months ago wiv cluster headache, put on a progesteron pave the way still bad and

ok here we stir, first of all if taken how its supposed to significance on the last daytime of ur period, u start time one and continue taking them everyday around indistinguishable time give or thieve. in language of ur period it should start to regulate roughly speaking the second month or third month. in language of the effectiveness it should be again around the second or third month.!for some people it starts to work the first month but why risk it. anywho if u hold more questions ask ur phycitian. hope this help for now.

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