They found a spot on my moms lungs in x-ray what could it be?

Has anyone every had someone thats gone through this or go through this themsleves that could share their story or give insist on? She has have a wet cough bad and on for 6 months(Once diagnosed with bronchitis) they finally did an x-ray and found a spot the size of a quarter on her lungs. She will hold a CT scan tomorrow-then we will have to dally on the results of that. She isnt a somker. She is a healthy 57 year old(birthday is tomorrow) women. The doctor said its adjectives to have calcifications on the lungs sometimes but wishes to check it out to make sure. What do you regard as it will be? I am worried sick of course she is the pay for bone of our family and wouldn't know what to do if something arise to her!

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Spots on an xray can be a couple of things.
1. It can show atelectasis - fluid in the lungs which would explain a cough for so long. Perhaps she has, and doesn't know it COPD, emphysema (look those up surrounded by yahoo! health)
2. It could be a benign (nonactive) nodule (rock thingy) that your doctor described as a calcification.
3. Worst of the worst, we would have a tumor on our hand. It would have to be biopsied, and confirmed for cancer.
Usually when strange things pop on on an xray we walk for the xrays first, then move onto the CT which give a better view, and later an MRI which gives an even better better landscape, and if need be a PET scan which is even better. Good luck,

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could be a hematoma or an tumor but thats just worse case scenario and really rare.
most possible its calcifications and nothing seirous.

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dont worry, ding,every piece will be fine. ok i will wish also. will u permit me know tomorrow

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i can`t stand to say it but it sounds close to cancer but there is also another entity that it could be that sound equal and at the mo can think what the hell its call ,but i really do hope its nothing ,

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I would enjoy your concerns also.

It would be best to go to the doctor next to her, plus she would
appreciate you plus another set of questions and ears to
appropriately listen to the doctor.

After the test are done make sure a follow-up is done within a
timely manner.

accurate luck to you both.

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it could be several different things. if she has have pneumonia in days gone by, scaring from bronchitis, the best entry to do is wait for results. try not to verbs until it is time to. just hang on to on loving for her with adjectives your heart. good luck prayers are near you and your family

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